Alfredo Lopez-Calvo, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2006 | Baylor University, Waco, TX |
Physical Chemistry, Organic ChemistryGoogle:
"Alfredo Lopez-Calvo"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorCarlos E. Manzanares | grad student | 2006 | Baylor University | |
(Vibrational spectroscopy in cryogenic solutions: Application of thermal lensing and fourier transform techniques to the study of molecular carbon-hydrogen overtone transitions.) |
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Lopez-Calvo A, Diez-y-Riega H, Manzanares CE. (2010) Vibrational overtone spectra and interactions of C2H4 and H2CCHCH3 in liquid Kr Vibrational Spectroscopy. 52: 69-78 |
Lopez-Calvo A, Diez-y-Riega H, Manzanares CE. (2009) Vibrational C-H overtone spectroscopy and bond distances of butenes dissolved in liquid Xe Journal of Molecular Structure. 935: 39-46 |
Lopez-Calvo A, Manzanares CE. (2008) Vibrational overtone spectroscopy of saturated hydrocarbons dissolved in liquefied Ar, Kr, Xe, and N2. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 112: 1730-40 |
Lopez-Calvo A, Manzanares CE. (2008) Overtone spectroscopy and thermal lens detection limit of methane in cryo-solutions Molecular Physics. 106: 909-920 |
Lopez-Calvo A, Manzanares CE. (2006) Thermal lens spectroscopy in cryogenic solutions: Analysis and comparison of intensities in CH4-N2 and CH4-Ar liquid solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 110: 10427-34 |
Navea JG, Lopez-Calvo A, Manzanares CE. (2006) Thermal lens spectroscopy in liquid argon solutions: (Deltav = 6) C-H vibrational overtone absorption of methane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 110: 1594-9 |
Moehnke CJ, Lewis EK, Lopez-Calvo A, et al. (2006) Phase shift cavity ring down at low temperatures: Vibration-rotation overtone absorption of H-D (Δv = 4) at 297 and 105 K Chemical Physics Letters. 418: 576-580 |