Otsmar J. Villarroel, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Baylor University, Waco, TX |
Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic ChemistryGoogle:
"Otsmar Villarroel"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorDarrin J. Bellert | grad student | 2011 | Baylor University | |
(Metal Ion Assisted Unimolecular Decomposition of Gaseous Organometallic Complexes: Acquisition of Reaction Rate Constants and Dynamics of the Dissociative Mechanism.) |
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Villarroel OJ, Laboren IE, Bellert DJ. (2012) Co(+)-assisted decomposition of h6-acetone and d6-acetone: acquisition of reaction rate constants and dynamics of the dissociative mechanism. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 116: 3081-8 |
Laboren IE, Villarroel OJ, Dee SJ, et al. (2011) Reaction rate constants and mechanistic detail of the Ni+ + butanone reaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 115: 1810-20 |
Laboren IE, Villarroel OJ, Dee SJ, et al. (2011) Reaction rate constants and mechanistic detail of the Ni+ + butanone reaction Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 115: 1810-1820 |
Dee SJ, Castleberry VA, Villarroel OJ, et al. (2010) Low-energy reaction rate constants for the Ni+-assisted decomposition of acetaldehyde: observation of C-H and C-C activation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 114: 1783-9 |
Villarroel OJ, Laboren IE, Bellert DJ. (2010) Low energy, Co+-mediated decomposition kinetics of acetone into Co+CO + ethane Acs National Meeting Book of Abstracts |
Dee SJ, Castleberry VA, Villarroel OJ, et al. (2009) Rate-limiting step in the low-energy unimolecular decomposition reaction of Ni+* acetone into Ni+CO + ethane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 113: 14074-80 |
Castleberry VA, Dee SJ, Villarroel OJ, et al. (2009) The low-energy unimolecular reaction rate constants for the gas phase, Ni+-mediated dissociation of the C-C sigma bond in acetone. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 113: 10417-24 |
Castleberry V, Dee J, Villarroel O, et al. (2008) Two photon resonant excitation of Copper–Rydberg levels Physics Letters A. 372: 4805-4808 |