Barry R. Lentz

Biochemistry and Biophysics University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
General Biophysics, Biochemistry
"Barry Richard Lentz" OR "Barry R. Lentz"

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Harold Abraham Scheraga grad student 1973 Cornell (Chemistry Tree)
 (A Structural Model for Liquid Water)


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Daud I. Cole grad student 2013 UNC Chapel Hill
Pradip Kumar Tarafdar post-doc UNC Chapel Hill (Chemistry Tree)
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Sengupta T, Koklic T, Lentz BR, et al. (2021) Phosphatidylserine and Phosphatidylethanolamine Regulate the Structure and Function of FVIIaand Its Interaction with Soluble Tissue Factor. Bioscience Reports
Chakraborty H, Lentz BR, Kombrabail M, et al. (2017) Depth-Dependent Membrane Ordering by Hemagglutinin Fusion Peptide Promotes Fusio. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Tarafdar PK, Chakraborty H, Bruno MJ, et al. (2015) Phosphatidylserine-Dependent Catalysis of Stalk and Pore Formation by Synaptobrevin JMR-TMD Peptide. Biophysical Journal. 109: 1863-72
Koklic T, Chattopadhyay R, Majumder R, et al. (2015) Factor Xa dimerization competes with prothrombinase complex formation on platelet-like membrane surfaces. The Biochemical Journal. 467: 37-46
Sengupta T, Chakraborty H, Lentz BR. (2014) The transmembrane domain peptide of vesicular stomatitis virus promotes both intermediate and pore formation during PEG-mediated vesicle fusion. Biophysical Journal. 107: 1318-26
Majumder R, Koklic T, Sengupta T, et al. (2014) Soluble phosphatidylserine binds to two sites on human factor IXa in a Ca2+ dependent fashion to specifically regulate structure and activity. Plos One. 9: e100006
Srivasatava KR, Majumder R, Kane WH, et al. (2014) Phosphatidylserine and FVa regulate FXa structure. The Biochemical Journal. 459: 229-39
Chakraborty H, Tarafdar PK, Klapper DG, et al. (2013) Wild-type and mutant hemagglutinin fusion peptides alter bilayer structure as well as kinetics and activation thermodynamics of stalk and pore formation differently: mechanistic implications. Biophysical Journal. 105: 2495-506
Chakraborty H, Tarafdar PK, Lentz BR. (2013) A novel assay for detecting fusion pore formation: implications for the fusion mechanism. Biochemistry. 52: 8510-7
Chakraborty H, Tarafdar PK, Lentz BR. (2013) A Novel Assay to Detect Fusion Pore Formation: Implication for Fluctuating Pore Formation Biophysical Journal. 104: 87a
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