JoDell E. Whittington, Ph.D.

2008 Chemistry The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry
"JoDell Whittington"
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Lawrence J. Parkhurst grad student 2008 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (TATA -binding protein recognition of DNA promoters and TFIIA interactions with TBP -DNA complexes: Kinetic and thermodynamic studies.)
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Delgadillo RF, Whittington JE, Parkhurst LK, et al. (2009) The TATA-binding protein core domain in solution variably bends TATA sequences via a three-step binding mechanism. Biochemistry. 48: 1801-9
Whittington JE, Delgadillo RF, Attebury TJ, et al. (2008) TATA-binding protein recognition and bending of a consensus promoter are protein species dependent. Biochemistry. 47: 7264-73
Whittington J, Wood T, Daugherty M, et al. (2007) Full‐length human TBP (hTBP) shows markedly different TATA‐box binding kinetics and thermodynamics from yeast TBP The Faseb Journal. 21
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