Aaron M. Ambrus, Ph.D.

2014 Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States 
Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
"Aaron Ambrus"
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Maxim V. Frolov grad student 2014 University of Illinois, Chicago
 (E2F transcription factors are critical regulators of the cell cycle, apoptosis and mitochondrial function.)
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Ambrus AM, Islam AB, Holmes KB, et al. (2013) Loss of dE2F compromises mitochondrial function. Developmental Cell. 27: 438-51
Ambrus AM, Islam AB, Truscott M, et al. (2012) Loss of E2F compromises mitochondrial function and protects cells from irradiation-induced apoptosis in Drosophila Bmc Proceedings. 6: P16
Ambrus AM, Frolov MV. (2010) Mutation of the DEAD-box helicase belle downregulates the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor Dacapo. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 9: 1016-20
Ambrus AM, Frolov MV. (2009) The diverse roles of RNA helicases in RNAi. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 8: 3500-5
Ambrus AM, Rasheva VI, Nicolay BN, et al. (2009) Mosaic genetic screen for suppressors of the de2f1 mutant phenotype in Drosophila. Genetics. 183: 79-92
Ambrus AM, Nicolay BN, Rasheva VI, et al. (2007) dE2F2-independent rescue of proliferation in cells lacking an activator dE2F1. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 27: 8561-70
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