Donald F. Heller

Light Age, Inc. 
Laser Science and Applications, Medical Applications of Lasers, Photochemistry and Photophysics, Molecular and Atomic Physics, Light-Matter Interactions
"Donald Heller"
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C. Bradley Moore research assistant 1966-1969 UC Berkeley
Karl F. Freed grad student 1969-1972 Chicago
Stuart A. Rice post-doc 1972-1973 Chicago
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Band YB, Heller DF, Ackerhalt JR, et al. (1990) Spectrum of second-harmonic generation for multimode fields. Physical Review. A. 42: 1515-1521
Bavli R, Heller DF, Band YB. (1990) Nonlinear-optical properties of two-level systems with permanent dipole moments. Physical Review. A. 41: 3960-3968
Band YB, Ackerhalt JR, Heller DF. (1990) The Dynamics of Pulse Compression in Synchronously Pumped Fiber Raman Lasers Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 26: 1259-1264
Krasinski J, Heller DF, Band YB. (1990) Multipass Amplifiers Using Optical Circulators Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 26: 950-958
Scheps R, Gately BM, Myers JF, et al. (1990) Alexandrite laser pumped by semiconductor lasers Applied Physics Letters. 56: 2288-2290
Krasinski JS, Band YB, Chin T, et al. (1989) Birefringence of solid-state laser media: broadband tuning discontinuities and application to laser line narrowing. Optics Letters. 14: 393-5
Band YB, Heller DF, Krasinski JS. (1989) Spectrum of three-wave mixing for multimode fields. Physical Review. a, General Physics. 40: 4400-4403
Band YB, Ackerhalt JR, Krasinski JS, et al. (1989) Intracavity Raman Lasers Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 25: 208-213
Bavli R, Heller DF, Band YB. (1989) Nonlinear optical response of three-level systems The Journal of Chemical Physics. 91: 6714-6727
Band YB, Bavli R, Heller DF. (1989) Multiphoton transitions in molecules with permanent dipole moments Chemical Physics Letters. 156: 405-410
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