Keshav S. Gautam, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | University of Akron, Akron, OH, United States |
Condensed Matter Physics, Polymer ChemistryGoogle:
"Keshav Gautam"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorAli Dhinojwala | grad student | 2002 | University of Akron | |
(Molecular structure and order -to -disorder transitions of comb polymers at air and solid interfaces.) |
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Gautam KS, Kumar S, Wermeille D, et al. (2003) Observation of novel liquid-crystalline phase above the bulk-melting temperature. Physical Review Letters. 90: 215501 |
Harp GP, Gautam KS, Dhinojwala A. (2002) Probing polymer/polymer interfaces. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124: 7908-9 |
Gautam KS, Dhinojwala A. (2002) Melting at alkyl side chain comb polymer interfaces. Physical Review Letters. 88: 145501 |
Gautam KS, Dhinojwala A. (2001) Order to disorder transition at the polymer-air interface for hydrophobic octadecyl side chain copolymers Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 661 |
Gautam KS, Dhinojwala A. (2001) Molecular structure of hydrophobic alkyl side chains at comb polymer-air interface Macromolecules. 34: 1137-1139 |
Gautam KS, Schwab AD, Dhinojwala A, et al. (2000) Molecular structure of polystyrene at Air/Polymer and Solid/Polymer interfaces Physical Review Letters. 85: 3854-7 |
Narayan KS, Gautam KS. (1996) Steady‐state photoconductivity in poly(2,5‐dimethoxy‐p‐phenylene vinylene) Journal of Applied Physics. 79: 1935-1938 |
Narayan KS, Gautam KS. (1996) Steady-state photoconductivity in poly(2,5-dimethoxy-p-phenylene vinylene) Journal of Applied Physics. 79: 1935-1938 |