Jennifer Selever, Ph.D.

Molecular & Human Genetics Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 
"Jennifer Selever"
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Cross-listing: Neurotree

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Patel JM, Swanson J, Ung K, et al. (2019) Sensory perception drives food avoidance through excitatory basal forebrain circuits. Elife. 8
Cassidy RM, Lu Y, Jere M, et al. (2019) A lateral hypothalamus to basal forebrain neurocircuit promotes feeding by suppressing responses to anxiogenic environmental cues. Science Advances. 5: eaav1640
Herman AM, Ortiz-Guzman J, Kochukov M, et al. (2016) A cholinergic basal forebrain feeding circuit modulates appetite suppression. Nature
Covington KR, Brusco L, Barone I, et al. (2013) Metastasis tumor-associated protein 2 enhances metastatic behavior and is associated with poor outcomes in estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
Selever J, Gu G, Lewis MT, et al. (2011) Dicer-mediated upregulation of BCRP confers tamoxifen resistance in human breast cancer cells. Clinical Cancer Research : An Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Research. 17: 6510-21
Barone I, Brusco L, Gu G, et al. (2011) Loss of Rho GDIα and resistance to tamoxifen via effects on estrogen receptor α. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 103: 538-52
De Amicis F, Thirugnansampanthan J, Cui Y, et al. (2010) Androgen receptor overexpression induces tamoxifen resistance in human breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 121: 1-11
Selever J, Barone I, Lewis MT, et al. (2009) Effect of estrogen receptor-positive progenitor cells on a tamoxifen resistance phenotype in breast cancer cells. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 27: 1042
Barone I, Cui Y, Herynk MH, et al. (2009) Expression of the K303R estrogen receptor-alpha breast cancer mutation induces resistance to an aromatase inhibitor via addiction to the PI3K/Akt kinase pathway. Cancer Research. 69: 4724-32
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