Bongkyoo Choi, Sc.D.

2007 University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, United States 
Public Health, Industrial Psychology, Theory and Methods
"Bongkyoo Choi"
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Robert A. Karasek grad student 2007 UMass Lowell
 (Methodological and theoretical issues in cross -national comparative studies of psychosocial job hazards: From questionnaire item to social class.)
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Choi B. (2020) Developing a Job Exposure Matrix of Work Organization Hazards in the United States: A Review on Methodological Issues and Research Protocol. Safety and Health At Work. 11: 397-404
Choi B. (2020) Opioid use disorder, job strain, and high physical job demands in US workers. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
Whitley MD, Ro A, Choi B. (2019) Workplace breastfeeding support and job satisfaction among working mothers in the United States. American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Choi B, Juárez-Garcia A. (2018) Positive association between job decision authority and systolic blood pressure: a statistical artifact? Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
Choi B. (2018) Job strain, long work hours, and suicidal ideation in US workers: a longitudinal study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
Landsbergis PA, Choi B, Dobson M, et al. (2018) The Key Role of Work in Population Health Inequities. American Journal of Public Health. 108: 296-297
Dobson M, Choi B, Schnall PL. (2017) Work organization, health, and obesity in urban transit operators: A qualitative study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Choi B, Schnall P, Dobson M, et al. (2017) A socioecological framework for research on work and obesity in diverse urban transit operators based on gender, race, and ethnicity. Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 29: 15
Choi B, Schnall P, Dobson M. (2016) Twenty-four-hour work shifts, increased job demands, and elevated blood pressure in professional firefighters. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
Choi B, Dobson M, Schnall P, et al. (2016) 24-hour work shifts, sedentary work, and obesity in male firefighters. American Journal of Industrial Medicine
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