Percy Faraday Frankland

University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom 
"Percy Frankland"

(1858 - 1946)

Mean distance: 8.84
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Bernal JD, Boswell PGH, Brodetsky S, et al. (1942) The public schools in Great Britain [7] Nature. 150: 351
Frankland PF. (1927) Carbon monoxide poisoning in the absence of hæmoglobin [5] Nature. 119: 491-492
Frankland PF, Garner FH. (1919) LIII. - The rotation-dispersion of butyl, heptyl, and octyl tartrates Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions. 115: 636-661
Frankland PF, Challenger F, Nicholls NA. (1919) XXIII. - The preparation of monomethylaniline Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions. 115: 198-205
Frankland PF, Challenger F, Nicholls NA. (1919) XVII. - The preparation of monomethylamine from chloropicrin Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions. 115: 159-162
Frankland PF. (1915) University Appointments in War Time Nature. 95: 428-428
Frankland PF. (1915) University appointments in war time [6] Nature. 95: 428
Frankland PF, Patterson TS, McKenzie A, et al. (1914) Discussion Transactions of the Faraday Society. 10: 133-138
Frankland PF, Garner WE. (1914) CVI. - The action of thionyl chloride on lactic acid and on ethyl lactate Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions. 105: 1101-1115
Frankland PF, Barrow F. (1914) XCIV. - Menthyl esters of chloroacetic, menthoxyacetic, and methylanilinoacetic acids Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions. 105: 990-994
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