Robert F. Curl, Jr.

Rice University, Houston, TX 
Organic chemistry, structural chemistry
"Robert F. Curl, Jr."

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1996 was awarded jointly to Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto and Richard E. Smalley "for their discovery of fullerenes".
DOI: 10.1021/ie50578a047

Mean distance: 7.67


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Kenneth S. Pitzer grad student 1957 UC Berkeley
 (Some Spectroscopic and Thermodynamic Properties of Molecules.)
Edgar Bright Wilson post-doc 1958 Harvard


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Daniel Alan Heller research assistant
Freddy T. Nguyen research assistant 2000-2002 Rice University
C. Scott Berger research assistant 2004-2005 Rice University
James L. Kinsey grad student 1959 Rice University
Patrick G Carrick grad student 1978-1982 Rice University
Michael Barnes grad student 1985-1991 Rice University
Lihong V. Wang grad student 1992 Rice University (BME Tree)
Neil Hunt post-doc Rice University
Timothy C. Steimle post-doc 1978-1980
Ernest K Lewis post-doc 2003-2004 Rice University
Richard Judson research scientist Rice University
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Thakur M, Melnik D, Barnett H, et al. (2010) Wide-field four-channel fluorescence imager for biological applications. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 15: 026016
Lewicki R, Doty JH, Curl RF, et al. (2009) Ultrasensitive detection of nitric oxide at 5.33 microm by using external cavity quantum cascade laser-based Faraday rotation spectroscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 12587-92
Han J, Hu S, Chen H, et al. (2007) Jet-cooled infrared spectrum of methoxy in the CH stretching region. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 9: 3725-34
Chen J, So S, Lee H, et al. (2004) Atmospheric formaldehyde monitoring in the Greater Houston area in 2002. Applied Spectroscopy. 58: 243-7
Wysocki G, McCurdy M, So S, et al. (2004) Pulsed quantum-cascade laser-based sensor for trace-gas detection of carbonyl sulfide. Applied Optics. 43: 6040-6
Weidmann D, Kosterev AA, Roller C, et al. (2004) Monitoring of ethylene by a pulsed quantum cascade laser. Applied Optics. 43: 3329-34
Bakhirkin YA, Kosterev AA, Roller C, et al. (2004) Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser based off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy for biogenic nitric oxide detection. Applied Optics. 43: 2257-66
Kosterev AA, Curl RF, Tittel FK, et al. (2002) Transportable automated ammonia sensor based on a pulsed thermoelectrically cooled quantum-cascade distributed feedback laser. Applied Optics. 41: 573-8
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