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Jacob Mager

Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 
"Jacob Mager"


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Manfred Aschner grad student 1946 Hebrew University (Microtree)


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Avram Hershko grad student 1967-1969 Hebrew University
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Chevion M, Navok T, Glaser G, et al. (1982) The chemistry of favism-inducing compounds. The properties of isouramil and divicine and their reaction with glutathione. European Journal of Biochemistry / Febs. 127: 405-9
Glaser G, Giloh H, Kasir J, et al. (1980) On the mechanism of the glucose-induced ATP catabolism in ascites tumour cells and its reversal by pyruvate. The Biochemical Journal. 192: 793-800
Weisenberg E, Halbreich A, Mager J. (1980) Biochemical lesions in copper-deficient rats caused by secondary iron deficiency. Derangement of protein synthesis and impairment of energy metabolism. The Biochemical Journal. 188: 633-41
Mager J, Straschill M. (1980) EEG abnormalities in transitory aphasia after myelography with metrizamide (Amipaque) Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 50: 130P
Pastoret PP, Aguilar-Setién A, Burtonboy G, et al. (1979) The effect of repeated treatment with dexamethasone on the re-excretion pattern of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and humoral immune response Veterinary Microbiology. 4: 149-155
Bartecki A, Apostoluk W, Mager J. (1979) The extraction of Mn(II) from ammonium chloride solutions with capric acid Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry. 41: 1461-1464
Mager J, Laskowski J. (1979) Secondary coagulation of the quartz suspension Colloid and Polymer Science Kolloid Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift FüR Polymere. 257: 328-330
Seyfert S, Mager J. (1978) Abducens palsy after lumbar myelography with watersoluble contrast media. Journal of Neurology. 219: 213-20
Sadowski Z, Mager J, Laskowski J. (1978) Hindered settling of coagulating suspensions Powder Technology. 21: 73-79
Godt P, Mager J. (1977) [Postoperative polyradiculitis - a report on four cases (author's transl)]. Der Nervenarzt. 48: 35-9
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