Stanley Opella
Affiliations: | 1976-2000 | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States | |
2000- | University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA |
NMR structural studies of proteins in membranes and other supramolecular assembliesWebsite:
"Stanley Opella"Bio:
Mean distance: 7.33 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorOleg Jardetzky | grad student | 1974 | Stanford | |
(Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance study of muscle calcium binding protein) | ||||
Harden M. McConnell | grad student | 1974 | Stanford | |
John S. Waugh | post-doc | 1975-1976 | MIT |
Sign in to add traineeTimothy A. Cross | grad student | Penn | |
Erik M. Shapiro | grad student | Penn | |
Joseph A DiVerdi | grad student | 1976-1981 | Penn |
Tara M. DeSilva | grad student | 2000 | Penn |
Che Ma | grad student | 2000 | Penn |
Wee M. Tan | grad student | 2001 | Penn |
Ana C. Zeri | grad student | 2003 | UCSD |
Michael F. Mesleh | grad student | 2004 | UCSD |
Stanley C. Howell | grad student | 2007 | UCSD |
George J. Lu | grad student | 2014 | UCSD |
Eugene C. Lin | grad student | 2008-2015 | UCSD |
Burkhard Bechinger | post-doc | Penn (Neurotree) | |
Donald Bouchard | post-doc | Penn | |
Robert Tycko | post-doc | 1985 | Penn (Physics Tree) |
Lisa Emily Chirlian | post-doc | 1988-1991 | (Physics Tree) |
Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy | post-doc | 1993-1996 | UCSD |
Gianluigi Veglia | post-doc | 1995-1999 | Penn |
Gail E. Fanucci | post-doc | 1999-2001 | Penn |
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De Angelis A, Park SH, Opella SJ. (2022) Magnetically Aligned Lipid Bilayers with High Cholesterol for Solid-State NMR of Membrane Proteins. Biochemistry. 61: 1561-1571 |
Park SH, Siddiqi H, Castro DV, et al. (2021) Interactions of SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein with amilorides correlate with antiviral activity. Plos Pathogens. 17: e1009519 |
Kent JE, Fujimoto LM, Shin K, et al. (2020) Correlating the structure and activity of Y. pestis Ail in a bacterial cell envelope. Biophysical Journal |
Long Z, Opella SJ. (2020) H detection of heteronuclear dipolar oscillations with water suppression in single crystal peptide and oriented protein samples. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997). 318: 106793 |
Park SH, Wu J, Yao Y, et al. (2020) Membrane proteins in magnetically aligned phospholipid polymer discs for solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes. 183333 |
Long Z, Wu J, Park SH, et al. (2020) NMR Structural Studies of Mercury Transport Membrane Proteins Biophysical Journal. 118: 612a |
Long Z, Park SH, Opella SJ. (2019) Effects of deuteration on solid-state NMR spectra of single peptide crystals and oriented protein samples. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997). 309: 106613 |
Radoicic J, Park SH, Opella SJ. (2018) Macrodiscs Comprising SMALPs for Oriented Sample Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Membrane Proteins. Biophysical Journal |
McKay MJ, Martfeld AN, De Angelis AA, et al. (2018) Control of Transmembrane Helix Dynamics by Interfacial Tryptophan Residues. Biophysical Journal. 114: 2617-2629 |
Cotten M, Mihailescu E, De Angelis A, et al. (2018) Impact of Metallation and Oxidized Lipids on the Structure and Membrane Disruptive Effects of Host Defense Peptides Piscidin 1 and Piscidin 3 Biophysical Journal. 114: 453a-454a |