Jerome A. Berson, Ph.D.

1950-1963 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
 1963-1969 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
 1969- Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Physical Organic Chemistry
"Jerome A. Berson"

(1924 - 2017)

Mean distance: 6.24


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William von Eggers Doering grad student 1949 Columbia
 (A re-examination of the diisohomogenol structure)
Robert B. Woodward post-doc 1949-1950 Harvard


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William M. Jones grad student 1955 USC
Robert G. Bergman grad student 1966 UW Madison
Nitya Gopal Kundu grad student 1962-1966 UW Madison
Robert G. Salomon grad student 1971 UW Madison
Peter B. Dervan grad student 1972 Yale
Matthew S. Platz grad student 1977 Yale
Albert R Matlin grad student 1982 Yale
Richard F. Salinaro grad student 1982 Yale
Paul M. Lahti grad student 1979-1985 Yale
David M. Birney grad student 1987 Yale
Peter Chen grad student 1987 Yale
Marc M. Greenberg grad student 1988 Yale
Maitland Jones, Jr. post-doc 1964 UW Madison
Richard J. Bushby post-doc 1969-1970 Yale
Barry K. Carpenter post-doc 1973-1975 Yale
Dan (R. Daniel) Little post-doc 1974-1975 Yale
Robert S. Sheridan post-doc 1979-1980 Yale
Silas C. Blackstock post-doc 1986-1988 Yale
BETA: Related publications


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Berson JA. (2009) Strained Hydrocarbons: Beyond the van’t Hoff and LeBel Hypothesis Journal of the American Chemical Society. 131: 11635-11635
Berson JA. (2008) Molecules with Very Weak Bonds: The Edge of Covalency Philosophy of Science. 75: 947-957
Berson JA. (2008) Fundamental theories and their empirical patches Foundations of Chemistry. 10: 147-156
Berson JA. (2007) Shifting and Rearranging. Physical Methods and the Transformation of Modern Chemistry. By Carsten Reinhardt. Angewandte Chemie. 46: 4818-4819
Berson JA. (2006) Kinetics, thermodynamics, and the problem of selectivity: the maturation of an idea. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 45: 4724-9
Berson JA. (2006) Kinetik, Thermodynamik und das Problem der Selektivität: vom Reifen einer Idee Angewandte Chemie. 118: 4842-4847
Berson JA. (2005) A missed turning point for theory in organic chemistry: Molecular orbitals at Montpellier in 1950 Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 18: 572-577
Berson JA. (2005) Experiments, Models, Paper Tools. Cultures of Organic Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century. Von Ursula Klein. Angewandte Chemie. 117: 1181-1183
Berson JA. (2002) What is a discovery? Carbon skeletal rearrangements as counter-examples to the rule of minimal structural change. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 41: 4655-60
Berson JA. (2002) Was ist eine Entdeckung? Umlagerungen des Kohlenstoffgerüsts als Gegenbeispiel zur Regel minimaler struktureller Veränderung Angewandte Chemie. 114: 4849-4854
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