Elmer V. McCollum

1907-1917 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
 1917-1945 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
nutritional biochemistry
"Elmer Verner McCollum"

(1879 - 1967)

Mean distance: 8.65


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Treat Baldwin Johnson grad student 1906 Yale
 (Researches in Organic Chemistry)
Thomas Burr Osborne post-doc 1906 Yale
Lafayette Benedict Mendel post-doc 1907 Yale


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Ralph Howard Carr grad student 1913 UW Madison
Dennis R. Hoagland grad student 1913 UW Madison
Helen Tracy Parsons grad student 1916 UW Madison
Cosmo G. Mackenzie grad student 1936 Johns Hopkins
Hans Selye post-doc 1931 Johns Hopkins (Neurotree)
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Shipley PG, Park EA, McCOLLUM EV, et al. (2009) The American Journal of Hygiene, Volume I, 1921, Pages 512–525 Nutrition Reviews. 42: 192-194
McCollum EV, Simmonds N, Becker JE, et al. (2009) Studies On Experimental Rickets. Nutrition Reviews. 33: 48-50
Kruse HD, Orent ER, McCollum EV. (2009) Studies on Magnesium Deficiency in Animals I. Symptomatology Resulting from Magnesium Deprivation Nutrition Reviews. 37: 145-148
Mccollum EV. (2009) August, 1948 Historical Aspects of Protein Nutrition Nutrition Reviews. 6: 225-228
McCollum EV, Pitz W, Simmonds N, et al. (2002) The effect of additions of fluorine to the diet of the rat on the quality of the teeth. 1925. Studies on experimental rickets. XXI. An experimental demonstration of the existence of a vitamin which promotes calcium deposition. 1922. The effect of additions of fluorine to the diet of the rat on the quality of the teeth. 1925. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277: E8
McCollum EV, Simmonds N, Kinney M, et al. (1995) Studies on experimental rickets. XVII. The effects of diets deficient in calcium and in fat-soluble A in modifying the histological structure of the bones. 1921. American Journal of Epidemiology. 141: 280-96; discussion 2
Mccollum EV, Simmonds N, Kinney M, et al. (1995) Studies in experimental reckets. XVII: The effects of diets deficient in calcium and in fat-soluble a in modifying the histological structure of the bones American Journal of Epidemiology. 141: 280-296
Newell JM, McCollum EV. (1979) Nutrition classics: The journal of nutrition. Volume VI, 1933, 289--302. Studies on the role of zinc in nutrition. Nutrition Reviews. 37: 83-5
McCollum EV, Simmonds N, Becker JE, et al. (1975) Studies on experimental rickets. XXI. An experimental demonstration of the existence of a vitamin which promotes calcium deposition Nutrition Reviews. 33: 48-50
McCollum EV, Davis M. (1973) The necessity of certain lipins in the diet during growth Nutrition Reviews. 31: 280-281
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