Henry Louis Le Chatelier, Ing. Mines
Affiliations: | 1873 | École des Mines de Paris |
Cements, alloys, steel, metallurgy, electrochemistry, chemical equilibriumWebsite:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Louis_Le_Chatelier http://www.scs.illinois.edu/~mainzv/Web_Genealogy/Info/lechatelierhl.pdfGoogle:
"Henry Le Chatelier"Mean distance: 9.48
Cross-listing: Materials Tree
Sign in to add traineeW. Albert Noyes Jr. | grad student | 1920 | Sorbonne |
Georges Chaudron | grad student | 1921 | Sorbonne |
Paul Laffite | grad student | 1923 | (Neurotree) |
Nil Ratan Dhar | post-doc | 1917 | Universite de Paris -Sorbonne |
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