Darsh T. Wasan
Affiliations: | Chemical Engineering | Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United States |
Chemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Physical ChemistryWebsite:
"Darshanlal Tilakchand Wasan"Bio:
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Sign in to add mentorCharles R. Wilke | grad student | 1965 | UC Berkeley | |
(Analysis of Gas-phase Mass Transfer in Turbulent Flows.) |
Sign in to add traineeGopi N. Sethumadhavan | grad student | 2000 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Rajev Agarwal | grad student | 2002 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Anoop Chengara | grad student | 2003 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Wook Jang | grad student | 2004 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Stanley Wu | grad student | 2006 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Jan S. Vesaratchanon | grad student | 2007 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Youngsun Kong | grad student | 2009 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Kirtiprakash Kondiparty | grad student | 2011 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Hiroki Horiuchi | grad student | 2013 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Hua Zhang | grad student | 2011-2016 | Illinois Institute of Technology |
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Nikolov A, Lee J, Wasan D. (2023) DLVO surface forces in liquid films and statistical mechanics of colloidal oscillatory structural forces in dispersion stability. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 313: 102847 |
Wu P, Ramakrishnan TS, Zhang H, et al. (2020) Closed‐end capillary rise—An experimental study Aiche Journal. 66 |
Nikolov A, Wu P, Wasan D. (2019) Novel approach for calculating the equilibrium foam nanofilm-meniscus contact angle and the film free energy. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 557: 591-597 |
Nikolov A, Wasan D. (2019) Air bubble bursting phenomenon at the air-water interface monitored by the piezoelectric-acoustic method. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 272: 101998 |
Tata BV, Rajamani PV, Chakrabarti J, et al. (2019) Gas-liquid transition in a two-dimensional system of millimeter-sized like-charged metal balls Physical Review Letters. 84: 3626-9 |
Henderson D, Duh DM, Chu X, et al. (2019) An Expression for the Dispersion Force between Colloidal Particles Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 185: 265-8 |
Ramakrishnan T, Wu P, Zhang H, et al. (2019) Dynamics in closed and open capillaries Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 872: 5-38 |
Nikolov A, Wu P, Wasan D. (2018) Structure and stability of nanofluid films wetting solids: An overview. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 264: 1-10 |
Wu P, Nikolov AD, Wasan DT. (2018) Two-phase displacement dynamics in capillaries-nanofluid reduces the frictional coefficient. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 532: 153-160 |
Nikolov A, Wasan D, Lee J. (2018) Tears of wine: The dance of the droplets. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science |