Warren T. Ford

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States 
polymer chemistry
"Warren Ford"


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Ford WT. (2017) Introducing the Journal of Chemical Education’s “Special Issue: Polymer Concepts across the Curriculum” Journal of Chemical Education. 94: 1595-1598
Carraher CE, Berda E, Blum FD, et al. (2017) History of Polymer Education in the United States through the Efforts of the Committee on Polymer Education and the Intersociety Polymer Education Council Journal of Chemical Education. 94: 1607-1609
Paul A, Grady BP, Ford WT. (2014) PMMA composites of single-walled carbon nanotubes-graft-PMMA Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 131
Awad S, Chen HM, Grady BP, et al. (2012) Positron annihilation spectroscopy of polystyrene filled with carbon nanomaterials Macromolecules. 45: 933-940
Paul A, Grady BP, Ford WT. (2012) Polystyrene composites of single-walled carbon nanotubes-graft-polystyrene Polymer International. 61: 1603-1610
Kaur B, D'Souza L, Slater LA, et al. (2011) Model random polyampholytes from nonpolar methacrylic esters Macromolecules. 44: 3810-3816
Kaur B, McBride SP, Paul A, et al. (2010) Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl esters promoted by semifluorinated quaternary ammonium polymer latexes and films. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids. 26: 15779-85
Qin D, Lian G, Qin S, et al. (2010) Microscopic composition maps of poly(styrene-co-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) colloidal crystals and interconnected colloidal arrays. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids. 26: 6256-61
Ford WT. (2010) Polymers Grafted to Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes by Radical Polymerization Macromolecular Symposia. 297: 18-24
Grady BP, Paul A, Peters JE, et al. (2009) Glass transition behavior of single-walled carbon nanotube - Polystyrene composites Macromolecules. 42: 6152-6158
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