
Sign in to add mentor
Beatrice March Sweeney grad student 1986 UC Santa Barbara (Plant Biology Tree)
 (Symbiosis, chamber formation and stable isotope incorporation in the planktonic foraminifer Orbulina universa)


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Bryan E. Bemis grad student 2000 UC Davis
Matthew Schmidt grad student 2005 UC Davis
Lael Vetter grad student 2013 UC Davis
Anthony J. Menicucci grad student 2015 UC Davis
Tessa M. Hill post-doc 2004-2006 UC Davis
Jennifer Fehrenbacher post-doc 2011-2015 UC Davis
BETA: Related publications


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Vonhof HB, de Graaf S, Spero HJ, et al. (2020) High-precision stable isotope analysis of <5 μg CaCO samples by continuous-flow mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry : Rcm. e8878
LeKieffre C, Spero HJ, Fehrenbacher JS, et al. (2020) Ammonium is the preferred source of nitrogen for planktonic foraminifer and their dinoflagellate symbionts. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 287: 20200620
Menicucci AJ, Thunell RC, Spero HJ. (2020) 220 Year Diatom δ 18 O Reconstruction of the Guaymas Basin Thermocline Using Microfluorination Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 35
Holland K, Branson O, Haynes LL, et al. (2020) Constraining multiple controls on planktic foraminifera Mg/Ca Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 273: 116-136
Bonnin EA, Zhu Z, Fehrenbacher JS, et al. (2019) Submicron sodium banding in cultured planktic foraminifera shells Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 253: 127-141
Branson O, Fehrenbacher JS, Vetter L, et al. (2019) LAtools: A data analysis package for the reproducible reduction of LA-ICPMS data Chemical Geology. 504: 83-95
Schiebel R, Smart SM, Jentzen A, et al. (2018) Advances in planktonic foraminifer research: New perspectives for paleoceanography Revue De MicropaléOntologie. 61: 113-138
Reynolds CE, Richey JN, Fehrenbacher JS, et al. (2018) Environmental controls on the geochemistry of Globorotalia truncatulinoides in the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions Marine Micropaleontology. 142: 92-104
Fehrenbacher JS, Russell AD, Davis CV, et al. (2018) Ba/Ca ratios in the non-spinose planktic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina dutertrei: Evidence for an organic aggregate microhabitat Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 236: 361-372
Wycech JB, Kelly DC, Kozdon R, et al. (2018) Comparison of δ18O analyses on individual planktic foraminifer (Orbulina universa) shells by SIMS and gas-source mass spectrometry Chemical Geology. 483: 119-130
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