Lars Onsager

Chemistry Yale University, New Haven, CT 
statistical mechanics
"Lars Onsager"

(1903 - 1976)
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1968 was awarded to Lars Onsager "for the discovery of the reciprocal relations bearing his name, which are fundamental for the thermodynamics of irreversible processes".

In 1933 Onsager was appointed Sterling and Gibbs Fellow at Yale University, where he was to remain for the greater part of his life. Having awarded him a postdoctoral fellowship, the Chemistry Department was embarrassed to discover that he had no Ph.D.
The Reciprocal Relations had been published two years before, but an outline of his results, submitted to his alma mater in Trondheim, had been judged unacceptable for a doctorate as it stood. This setback had naturally upset him, and he felt uncomfortable at being addressed as "Dr. Onsager" when he had no such entitlement. His colleagues suggested that he should try for a Yale Ph.D. Lars had already taken the relevant course work and orals, and as for the thesis, any of his published work would do.
Lars felt, however that he should write something new and it was soon ready - a thesis entitled 'Solutions of the Mathieu Equation of Period 4[pi] and certain related functions' (1935). The chemists were quite out of their depth, and the physicists, too; eventually the thesis was sent over to the Mathematics Department, where Professor Einar Hille, himself an expert in the subject matter of Whittaker and Watson's 'Modern Analysis', Lars's favorite text, read it with enjoyment. He suggested to Professor Hill, chairman of chemistry, that if the Chemistry Department felt uneasy at doing so, the Mathematics Department would be happy to recommend the award of the degree. Not wishing to be upstaged, the chemists sponsored the thesis.
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Mean distance: 8.15
Cross-listing: MathTree


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Peter J. W. Debye research assistant 1926-1928 ETH Zürich
Arthur Joseph Hill grad student 1935 Yale
 (Solutions of the Mathieu equation of period 4 pi and certain related functions)
David Shoenberg research scientist 1951-1952 Cambridge (Physics Tree)


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Raymond M. Fuoss grad student 1932 Brown
Bruria Kaufman grad student 1947 Columbia (Physics Tree)
Robert M. Mazo grad student 1952-1955 Yale
Russell J. Donnelly grad student 1956 Yale (Physics Tree)
Neville R. Kallenbach grad student 1961 Yale
John F. Nagle grad student 1965 Yale
Elliott Waters Montroll post-doc 1940-1941 Yale (MathTree)
Joel Louis Lebowitz research scientist 1957 Yale (Physics Tree)
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Hubbard JB, Onsager L, van Beek WM, et al. (1977) Kinetic polarization deficiency in electrolyte solutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 74: 401-404
Onsager L, Staebler DL, Mascarenhas S. (1977) Electrical effects during condensation and phase transitions of ice The Journal of Chemical Physics. 68: 3823-3828
Chen MS, Onsager L. (1977) The generalized conductance equation Journal of Physical Chemistry. 81: 2017-2021
Kim SK, Onsager L. (1977) The integral representation of the relaxation effects in mixed strong electrolytes in the limiting law region Journal of Physical Chemistry. 81: 1211-1212
Hubbard J, Onsager L. (1977) Dielectric dispersion and dielectric friction in electrolyte solutions. I The Journal of Chemical Physics. 67: 4850-4857
McCauley J, Onsager L. (1975) Electrons and vortex lines in He II. II. Theoretical analysis of capture and release experiments Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 8: 882-890
McCauley J, Onsager L. (1975) Electrons and vortex lines in He II. I. Brownian motion theory of capture and escape Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General. 8: 203-213
Onsager L, Stewart AM. (1974) Asymptotic forms for luminescent intensity due to donor-acceptor pair recombination Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 7: 645-648
Chen MS, Onsager L, Bonner J, et al. (1974) Hopping of ions in ice The Journal of Chemical Physics. 60: 405-419
Onsager L. (1969) The motion of ions: principles and concepts. Science (New York, N.Y.). 166: 1359-64
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