Carlos F. Bunge

Instituto de Fisica - UNAM 
Atomic and molecular electronic structure
"Carlos F. Bunge"

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Per-Olov Löwdin grad student 1962-1966 UF Gainesville
 (Ph.D. physical chemistry, August 1966)
Darwin W. Smith grad student 1964-1966 UF Gainesville
Harrison Shull post-doc 1967-1968 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Pos-doc May 1, 1967 to May 31, 1968)
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Almora-Díaz CX, Ramírez-Solís A, Bunge CF. (2019) Symmetric dissociation of the water molecule with truncation energy error. A benchmark study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 21: 4953-4964
Bunge CF. (2017) Present Status of Selected Configuration Interaction With Truncation Energy Error Advances in Quantum Chemistry. 76: 3-34
Bunge CF. (2017) Chapter Four - Specifics on the Scientific Legacy of Per-Olov Löwdin Advances in Quantum Chemistry. 74: 53-82
Almora-Díaz CX, Rivera-Arrieta HI, Bunge CF. (2016) Recent Progress in the Variational Orbital Approach to Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure Advances in Quantum Chemistry. 72: 129-176
Montero-Alejo AL, Fuentes ME, Menéndez-Proupin E, et al. (2010) Approximate quantum mechanical method for describing excitations and related properties of finite single-walled carbon nanotubes Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 81
Bunge CF. (2010) A priori selected configuration interaction with truncation energy error, general sensitivity analysis and application to the Ne atom Molecular Physics. 108: 3279-3288
Bunge CF. (2010) Configuration interaction benchmark for Be ground state Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 126: 139-150
Almora-Díaz CX, Bunge CF. (2010) Nonrelativistic CI Calculations for B + ,B , and B − Ground States International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 110: 2982-2988
Ley‐Koo E, Bunge CF. (2009) Use of truncated taylor series for r–112 in electronic structure calculations International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 36: 263-268
Bunge CF, Bunge AV. (2009) Calculations of atomic electron affinities International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 14: 345-355
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