
Sign in to add mentor
Henry Fraser Johnstone grad student 1957 UIUC
 (Turbulence characteristics in a spiral gas stream)


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Morton M. Denn research assistant 1961 Princeton (E-Tree)
Martin Feinberg grad student 1968 Princeton (MathTree)
Larry V. McIntire grad student 1970 Princeton
Phillip C. Wankat grad student 1970 Princeton (E-Tree)
Donald L. Feke grad student 1981 Princeton
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Sarkar K, Schowalter WR. (2002) Computation of a free jet with embedded drops Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 102: 263-280
Sarkar K, Schowalter WR. (2001) Deformation of a two-dimensional drop at non-zero Reynolds number in time-periodic extensional flows: Numerical simulation Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 436: 177-206
Sarkar K, Schowalter WR. (2001) Deformation of a two-dimensional viscous drop in time-periodic extensional flows: Analytical treatment Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 436: 207-230
Sarkar K, Schowalter WR. (2000) Deformation of a two-dimensional viscoelastic drop at non-zero Reynolds number in time-periodic extensional flows Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 95: 315-342
Dratler DI, Schowalter WR, Hoffman RL. (1997) Dynamic simulation of shear thickening in concentrated colloidal suspensions Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 353: 1-30
Dratler DI, Schowalter WR. (1996) Dynamic simulation of suspensions of non-Brownian hard spheres Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 325: 53-77
Goodwin RT, Schowalter WR. (1996) Interactions of two jets in a channel: Solution multiplicity and linear stability Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 313: 55-82
Goodwin RT, Schowalter WR. (1995) Arbitrarily oriented capillary-viscous planar jets in the presence of gravity Physics of Fluids. 7: 954-963
Vlassopoulos D, Schowalter WR. (1995) LDA measurements of steady streaming flows of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids Experiments in Fluids. 20: 21-28
Davidson DL, Graessley WW, Schowalter WR. (1993) Velocity and stress fields of polymeric liquids flowing in a periodically constricted channel. Part 2. Observations of non-Newtonian behavior Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 49: 345-375
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