Heinz Markus Frei

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA 
Artificial Photosynthesis
"Heinz Frei"


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Hans H. Günthard grad student 1977 ETH Zürich
 (Infrarot-spektroskopische Untersuchung zum Konformationsproblem von Aethylenglycol)
George C. Pimentel post-doc 1979 UC Berkeley


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Pi-Tai Chou post-doc 1985-1987 UC Berkeley
Walter W. Weare post-doc 2006-2010 LBNL
Feng Jiao post-doc 2008-2010
Tanja Cuk post-doc 2011 LBNL
Anil Agiral post-doc 2010-2012 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, UC Berkeley
Eran Edri post-doc 2014-2017 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, UC Berkeley
BETA: Related publications


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Frei H. (2022) Time-Resolved Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy for Understanding How Charges Drive Metal Oxide Catalysts for Water Oxidation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 7953-7964
Zhang H, Weiss I, Rudra I, et al. (2021) Controlling and Optimizing Photoinduced Charge Transfer across Ultrathin Silica Separation Membrane with Embedded Molecular Wires for Artificial Photosynthesis. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Ha HD, Yan C, Katsoukis G, et al. (2020) Precise Colloidal Plasmonic Photocatalysts Constructed by Multistep Photodepositions. Nano Letters
Liu H, Frei H. (2020) Observation of O–O Bond Forming Step of Molecular Co4O4 Cubane Catalyst for Water Oxidation by Rapid-Scan FT-IR Spectroscopy Acs Catalysis. 10: 2138-2147
Jo WJ, Katsoukis G, Frei H. (2020) Ultrathin Amorphous Silica Membrane Enhances Proton Transfer across Solid-to-Solid Interfaces of Stacked Metal Oxide Nanolayers while Blocking Oxygen Advanced Functional Materials. 30: 1909262-1909262
Katsoukis G, Frei H. (2019) Ultrathin oxide layers for nanoscale integration of molecular light absorbers, catalysts, and complete artificial photosystems. Journal of Chemical Physics. 150: 41501
Katsoukis G, Jo WJ, Frei H. (2019) Structure and Orientation of Molecular Wires Embedded in Ultrathin Silica Membrane for Artificial Photosynthesis Elucidated by Polarized FT-IRRAS Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123: 18905-18913
Litke A, Frei H, Hensen EJM, et al. (2019) Interfacial charge transfer in Pt-loaded TiO2 P25 photocatalysts studied by in-situ diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy of adsorbed CO Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 370: 84-88
Katsoukis G, Frei H. (2018) Heterobinuclear Light Absorber Coupled to Molecular Wire for Charge Transport across Ultrathin Silica Membrane for Artificial Photosynthesis. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. 10: 31422-31432
Cornejo JA, Sheng H, Edri E, et al. (2018) Nanoscale membranes that chemically isolate and electronically wire up the abiotic/biotic interface. Nature Communications. 9: 2263
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