Robert F. Schleif
Affiliations: | Biology | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |
biochemical and biophysical principles involved in protein functionWebsite:
"Robert Ferber Schleif"Bio:
DOI: 10.1016/0022-2836(67)90350-6 The author wishes to thank Sydney Brenner and Donald Glaser for suggesting the experiment and Gunther Stent and Ole Maaløe for numerous discussions.
Mean distance: 9.39 (cluster 21)
Cross-listing: FlyTree
Sign in to add mentorDonald A. Glaser | grad student | 1967 | UC Berkeley (Neurotree) | |
(Control of ribosomal protein production in E. coli.) |
Sign in to add traineeJay Hirsh | grad student | Brandeis (FlyTree) | |
Neil Nathanson | grad student | Brandeis (Neurotree) | |
John T. Lis | grad student | 1975 | Brandeis |
Martin Wu | grad student | 2000 | Johns Hopkins (Evolution Tree) |
Anjali Dhiman | grad student | 2001 | Johns Hopkins |
Tara L. Harmer | grad student | 2001 | Johns Hopkins |
Nakisha D. Moore | grad student | 2004 | Johns Hopkins |
Andrew G. Timmes | grad student | 2004 | Johns Hopkins |
John E. Weldon | grad student | 2006 | Johns Hopkins |
Victoria V. Hargreaves | grad student | 2008 | Johns Hopkins |
Katherine E. Frato | grad student | 2009 | Johns Hopkins |
Jennifer E. Seedorff | grad student | 2010 | Johns Hopkins |
Stephanie D. Cole | grad student | 2012 | Johns Hopkins |
Evan R. Kantrowitz | post-doc | 1983-1984 | Brandeis |
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Tischer A, Brown M, Schleif RF, et al. (2019) Arabinose Alters Both Local and Distal H-D Exchange Rates in the Escherichia coli AraC Transcriptional Regulator. Biochemistry |
Brown M, Schleif RF. (2019) Helical Behavior of the Interdomain Linker of the Escherichia coli AraC Protein. Biochemistry |
Malaga F, Mayberry O, Park DJ, et al. (2016) A genetic and physical study of the interdomain linker of E. coli AraC protein-a trans-subunit communication pathway. Proteins |
Lowe M, Gullotti D, Damjanovic A, et al. (2014) Computational and experimental investigation of constitutive behavior in AraC. Proteins. 82: 3385-96 |
Schleif RF. (2013) Modulation of DNA binding by gene-specific transcription factors. Biochemistry. 52: 6755-65 |
Damjanovic A, Miller BT, Schleif R. (2013) Understanding the basis of a class of paradoxical mutations in AraC through simulations. Proteins. 81: 490-8 |
Rodgers ME, Schleif R. (2012) Heterodimers reveal that two arabinose molecules are required for the normal arabinose response of Arac Biochemistry. 51: 8085-8091 |
Cole SD, Schleif R. (2012) A new and unexpected domain-domain interaction in the AraC protein. Proteins. 80: 1465-75 |
Seedorff J, Schleif R. (2011) Active role of the interdomain linker of AraC. Journal of Bacteriology. 193: 5737-46 |
Schleif R. (2010) AraC protein, regulation of the l-arabinose operon in Escherichia coli, and the light switch mechanism of AraC action. Fems Microbiology Reviews. 34: 779-96 |