Frederick H. Carpenter
Affiliations: | Biochemistry | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
insulin researchWebsite:
"Frederick Carpenter"Bio:
(1918 - 1982)
Mean distance: 8.45 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorHubert Scott Loring | grad student | 1944 | Stanford | |
(The nature of the products formed by the action of crystalline ribonuclease on yeast nucleic acid) | ||||
Vincent du Vigneaud | post-doc | 1944-1948 | Cornell Medical College |
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Du Vigneaud V, Carpenter FH, Holley RW, et al. (2015) Synthetic benzylpenicillin The Chemistry of Penicillin. 1018-1024 |
Du Vigneaud V, Carpenter FH. (2015) The γ-lactam of benzylhomopenicilloic acid and related compounds The Chemistry of Penicillin. 1004-1017 |
Srinivasa BR, Carpenter FH. (1983) Intramolecular cross-linking of insulin. Preparation and properties of oxalyl- and malonyl-bis(methionyl) insulin. International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research. 22: 214-22 |
Riemen MW, Pon LA, Carpenter FH. (1983) Preparation of semisynthetic insulin analogues from bis(tert-butyloxycarbonyl)-desoctapeptide-insulin phenylhydrazide: importance of the aromatic region B24-B26. Biochemistry. 22: 1507-15 |
Yeung CW, Carpenter FH, Busse WD. (1977) Cyanogen bromide treatment of methionine-containing compounds. Biochemistry. 16: 1635-41 |
Busse WD, Carpenter FH. (1976) Synthesis and properties of carbonylbis(methionyl)insulin, a proinsulin analogue which is convertible to insulin by cyanogen bromide cleavage. Biochemistry. 15: 1649-57 |
Busse WD, Carpenter FH. (1974) Letter: Carbonylbis(L-methionine p-nitrophenyl ester). A new reagent for the reversible intramolecular cross-linking of insulin. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 96: 5947-9 |
Levy D, Carpenter FH. (1970) Insulin methyl ester. Specific cleavage of a peptide chain resulting from a nitrogen to oxygen acyl shift at a threonine residue. Biochemistry. 9: 3215-22 |
Boesel RW, Carpenter FH. (1970) Crosslinking during the nitration of bovine insulin with tetranitromethane. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 38: 678-82 |
Milne HB, Carpenter FH. (1968) Peptide synthesis via oxidation of N-acyl-alpha-amino acid phenylhydrazides. 3. Dialanyl-insulin and diphenylalanyl-insulin. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 33: 4476-9 |