Heinrich Hauptmann, PhD

Chemistry University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 
Organic Chemistry
"Heinrich Hauptmann"

Born in Breslau, Germany 1905. Left Germany for being persecuted by the Nazis, moved to Switzerland in 1933. Prof. Hauptmann arrived in São Paulo and began his activities initially as Assistant of Prof. Rheinboldt, then he became Full Professor in 1946 and conducted the University of São Paulo´s Department of Chemistry until his death in 1960.

http://www2.iq.usp.br/fundamental/pdf/LivroIQUSP.pdf (Material in Portuguese).

Mean distance: 9.79


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Florinda Orsatti (Bobbio) grad student 1942-1947 USP
Paulo Anna Bobbio grad student 1942-1947 USP
Aurora Catharina Giora grad student 1944-1948 USP
Blanka Wladislaw grad student 1945-1948 USP
Marcello de Moura Campos grad student 1947-1950 USP


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Adolf Windaus collaborator 1930-1933 Universität Göttingen
Kurt Heinrich Meyer collaborator 1933-1935 University of Geneva
Heinrich Rheinboldt collaborator 1935-1955 USP
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Hauptmann H, Walter WF. (1962) The action of raney nickel on organic sulfur compounds Chemical Reviews. 62: 347-404
Hauptmann H, Walter WF, Marino C. (1958) The action of Raney nickel upon sulfur compounds. VI. Formation of biphenyl derivatives Journal of the American Chemical Society. 80: 5832-5835
Hauptmann H, de Mello Périssé AC. (1956) Über Formazane und Tetrazene II Chemische Berichte. 89: 1081-1094
Hauptmann H, Walter WF. (1955) The Action of Raney Nickel on Selenium Compounds1,2 Journal of the American Chemical Society. 77: 4929-4930
Hauptmann H. (1955) The action of raney nickel on selenium compounds Journal of the American Chemical Society. 77: 4929-4930
Hauptmann H, Wladislaw B, Nazario LL, et al. (1952) Über das Verhalten von Schwefelverbindungen in Gegenwart von Raneynickel. IV European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 576: 45-60
Hauptmann H, Wladislaw B. (1950) The action of raney nickel on sulfur compounds. III. Aromatic thioesters Journal of the American Chemical Society. 72: 710-712
Hauptmann H, Wladislaw B. (1950) The action of raney nickel upon sulfur compounds. II. Mercaptals, mercaptols and disulfides Journal of the American Chemical Society. 72: 707-709
Hauptmann H, Wladislaw B, Camargo PF. (1948) Über das Verhalten von Schwefelverbindungen in Gegenwart von Raney-Nickel Experientia. 4: 385
Meyer KH, Hauptmann H, Sievers J. (1936) La perméabilité des membranes. III. La perméabilité ionique de couches liquides non-aqueuses Helvetica Chimica Acta. 19: 948-962
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