Robert Kerrich, Ph.D.

Geological Sciences University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada 
"Robert Kerrich"
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Jia Y, Kerrich R. (2014) N-isotope composition of the primitive mantle compared to diamonds Lithos
Lu YJ, Kerrich R, Kemp AIS, et al. (2013) Intracontinental eocene-oligocene porphyry Cu mineral systems of Yunnan, Western Yangtze Craton, China: Compositional characteristics, sources, and implications for continental collision metallogeny Economic Geology. 108: 1541-1576
Lu YJ, Kerrich R, Mccuaig CT, et al. (2013) Geochemical, Sr-Nd-Pb, and Zircon Hf-O isotopic compositions of eocene-oligocene shoshonitic and potassic adakite-like felsic intrusions in western Yunnan, SW China: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications Journal of Petrology. 54: 1309-1348
Polat A, Kerrich R. (2013) Reading the Geochemical Fingerprints of Archean Hot Subduction Volcanic Rocks: Evidence for Accretion and Crustal Recycling in a Mobile Tectonic Regime Archean Geodynamics and Environments. 189-213
Angerer T, Kerrich R, Hagemann SG. (2013) Geochemistry of a komatiitic, boninitic, and tholeiitic basalt association in the Mesoarchean Koolyanobbing greenstone belt, Southern Cross Domain, Yilgarn craton: Implications for mantle sources and geodynamic setting of banded iron formation Precambrian Research. 224: 110-128
Manikyamba C, Kerrich R, Polat A, et al. (2013) Geochemistry of two stratigraphically-related ultramafic (komatiite) layers from the Neoarchean Sigegudda greenstone terrane, Western Dharwar Craton, India: Evidence for compositional diversity in Archean mantle plumes Lithos. 177: 120-135
Kerrich R, Said N, Manikyamba C, et al. (2013) Sampling oxygenated Archean hydrosphere: Implications from fractionations of Th/U and Ce/Ce* in hydrothermally altered volcanic sequences Gondwana Research. 23: 506-525
Kerrich R, Manikyamba C. (2012) Contemporaneous eruption of Nb-enriched basalts - K-adakites - Na-adakites from the 2.7 Ga Penakacherla terrane: Implications for subduction zone processes and crustal growth in the eastern Dharwar craton, India Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 49: 615-636
Wyman DA, Kerrich R. (2012) Geochemical and isotopic characteristics of Youanmi terrane volcanism: The role of mantle plumes and subduction tectonics in the western Yilgarn Craton Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 59: 671-694
Said N, Kerrich R, Cassidy K, et al. (2012) Characteristics and geodynamic setting of the 2.7 Ga Yilgarn heterogeneous plume and its interaction with continental lithosphere: Evidence from komatiitic basalt and basalt geochemistry of the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 59: 737-763
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