William George Noid
Affiliations: | Chemistry | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
Molecular ChemistryWebsite:
"William George Noid"Bio:
Noid, William The (Semi-)Classical Vibrational Echo Ph. D. thesis Cornell University (2005)
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Sign in to add mentorRoger F. Loring | grad student | 2005 | Cornell | |
(The (Semi-)Classical Vibrational Echo.) |
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Foley TT, Kidder KM, Shell MS, et al. (2020) Exploring the landscape of model representations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117: 24061-24068 |
DeLyser MR, Noid WG. (2019) Analysis of local density potentials. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 151: 224106 |
Lebold KM, Noid WG. (2019) Dual-potential approach for coarse-grained implicit solvent models with accurate, internally consistent energetics and predictive transferability. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 151: 164113 |
Dunn NJH, Gutama B, Noid WG. (2019) Simple Simulation Model for Exploring the Effects of Solvent and Structure on Asphaltene Aggregation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 123: 6111-6122 |
Lebold KM, Noid WG. (2019) Dual approach for effective potentials that accurately model structure and energetics. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 150: 234107 |
Lebold KM, Noid WG. (2019) Systematic study of temperature and density variations in effective potentials for coarse-grained models of molecular liquids. Journal of Chemical Physics. 150: 14104-14104 |
Dunn NJH, Lebold KM, DeLyser MR, et al. (2017) BOCS: Bottom-Up Open-Source Coarse-Graining Software. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B |
DeLyser MR, Noid WG. (2017) Extending pressure-matching to inhomogeneous systems via local-density potentials. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 147: 134111 |
Rudzinski JF, Lu K, Milner ST, et al. (2017) Extended Ensemble Approach to Transferable Potentials for Low-Resolution Coarse-Grained Models of Ionomers. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 13: 2185-2201 |
Liao YT, Manson AC, DeLyser MR, et al. (2017) Trimethylamine N-oxide stabilizes proteins via a distinct mechanism compared with betaine and glycine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114: 2479-2484 |