Arup K. Chakraborty
Affiliations: | 1988-2005 | Chemical Engineering | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
2005- | Chemical Engineering | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States |
cell-cell recognition in immunology, T cell biology, polymers and membranes statistical mechanicsWebsite:
"Arup Chakraborty"Bio:
Mean distance: 8.86 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorGiovanni Astarita | grad student | 1988 | University of Delaware | |
(Substituent effects in amine-carbon dioxide reactions) |
Sign in to add traineeBernhardt L. Trout | grad student | 1996 | UC Berkeley |
Aaron J. Golumbfskie | grad student | 2002 | UC Berkeley |
Yuko Hori | grad student | 2003 | UC Berkeley |
Sung-Joo E. Lee | grad student | 2003 | UC Berkeley |
Jason A. Ryder | grad student | 2003 | UC Berkeley |
Baron G. Peters | grad student | 2004 | UC Berkeley |
Jonathan L. Eide | grad student | 2005 | UC Berkeley |
Dennis C. Wylie | grad student | 2006 | UC Berkeley |
Jason W. Locasale | grad student | 2005-2009 | MIT (Cell Biology Tree) |
Krishna Shrinivas | grad student | 2015-2020 | MIT |
Elizabeth L. Read | post-doc | MIT | |
Shenshen Wang | post-doc | MIT (Neurotree) | |
Aaron R. Dinner | post-doc | 2001-2003 | UC Berkeley |
John P Barton | post-doc | 2012-2017 | MIT (Physics Tree) |
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Schede HH, Natarajan P, Chakraborty AK, et al. (2023) A model for organization and regulation of nuclear condensates by gene activity. Nature Communications. 14: 4152 |
Natarajan P, Shrinivas K, Chakraborty AK. (2023) A model for cis-regulation of transcriptional condensates and gene expression by proximal lncRNAs. Biophysical Journal |
Conti S, Ovchinnikov V, Faris JG, et al. (2022) Multiscale affinity maturation simulations to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV. Plos Computational Biology. 18: e1009391 |
Conti S, Kaczorowski KJ, Song G, et al. (2021) Design of immunogens to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV targeting the CD4 binding site. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118 |
Murakowski DK, Barton JP, Peter L, et al. (2021) Adenovirus-vectored vaccine containing multidimensionally conserved parts of the HIV proteome is immunogenic in rhesus macaques. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118 |
Murugan A, Husain K, Rust M, et al. (2021) Roadmap on biology in time varying environments. Physical Biology |
Henninger JE, Oksuz O, Shrinivas K, et al. (2020) RNA-Mediated Feedback Control of Transcriptional Condensates. Cell |
Zhang TH, Dai L, Barton JP, et al. (2020) Predominance of positive epistasis among drug resistance-associated mutations in HIV-1 protease. Plos Genetics. 16: e1009009 |
Klein IA, Boija A, Afeyan LK, et al. (2020) Partitioning of cancer therapeutics in nuclear condensates. Science (New York, N.Y.). 368: 1386-1392 |
Quadeer AA, Barton JP, Chakraborty AK, et al. (2020) Deconvolving mutational patterns of poliovirus outbreaks reveals its intrinsic fitness landscape. Nature Communications. 11: 377 |