Stephen L. Craig

Chemistry Duke University, Durham, NC 
physical organic, supramolecular chemistry
"Stephen Craig"

Mean distance: 7.58


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John Isaiah Brauman grad student 1997 Stanford
 (Dynamics and mechanisims of gas phase ion-molecule reactions)
Julius Rebek, Jr. post-doc 1999-2000 Scripps Institute


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Wayne C. Yount grad student 2005 Duke
Jun Xu grad student 2006 Duke
Farrell R. Kersey grad student 2002-2007 Duke
Hemraj Juwarker grad student 2008 Duke
David M. Loveless grad student 2008 Duke
Jeremy M. Lenhardt grad student 2011 Duke
Hope M. Klukovich grad student 2012 Duke
Ashley L. Ramirez grad student 2013 Duke
Ronnie O. Pedersen grad student 2014 Duke
Gregory R. Gossweiler grad student 2011-2016 Duke
Cameron Lee Brown grad student 2012-2018 Duke
Meredith H. Barbee grad student 2014-2019 Duke University Department of Chemistry
Shu Wang grad student 2017-2022 Duke
Yixin Hu grad student 2019-2024 Duke
Jeonghan Kim post-doc 2002-2003 Duke
Michael J. Serpe post-doc 2006-2009 Duke
Anthony M. DiLauro post-doc 2015-2016 Duke
Chia-Chih Chang post-doc 2016-2017 Duke
Taleb H. Al-Tel research scientist 2003-2004 Duke
BETA: Related publications


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Wang ZJ, Wang S, Jiang J, et al. (2024) Effect of the Activation Force of Mechanophore on Its Activation Selectivity and Efficiency in Polymer Networks. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Sun Y, Neary WJ, Huang X, et al. (2024) A Thermally Stable SO-Releasing Mechanophore: Facile Activation, Single-Event Spectroscopy, and Molecular Dynamic Simulations. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Hu Y, Wang L, Kevlishvili I, et al. (2024) Self-Amplified HF Release and Polymer Deconstruction Cascades Triggered by Mechanical Force. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Hu Y, Lin Y, Craig SL. (2024) Mechanically Triggered Polymer Deconstruction through Mechanoacid Generation and Catalytic Enol Ether Hydrolysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Beech HK, Wang S, Sen D, et al. (2023) Reactivity-Guided Depercolation Processes Determine Fracture Behavior in End-Linked Polymer Networks. Acs Macro Letters. 1685-1691
Wang S, Hu Y, Kouznetsova TB, et al. (2023) Facile mechanochemical cycloreversion of polymer cross-linkers enhances tear resistance. Science (New York, N.Y.). 380: 1248-1252
Wakefield H, Kevlishvili I, Wentz KE, et al. (2023) Synthesis and Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization of a Strained -Silacycloheptene and Single-Molecule Mechanics of Its Polymer. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Lloyd EM, Vakil JR, Yao Y, et al. (2023) Covalent Mechanochemistry and Contemporary Polymer Network Chemistry: A Marriage in the Making. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Ouchi T, Bowser BH, Kouznetsova TB, et al. (2022) Strain-triggered acidification in a double-network hydrogel enabled by multi-functional transduction of molecular mechanochemistry. Materials Horizons
Wang L, Zheng X, Kouznetsova TB, et al. (2022) Mechanochemistry of Cubane. Journal of the American Chemical Society
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