Edward Basom
Affiliations: | 2012- | Chemistry | Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States |
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Ramos S, Basom EJ, Thielges MC. (2018) Conformational Change Induced by Putidaredoxin Binding to Ferrous CO-ligated Cytochrome P450cam Characterized by 2D IR Spectroscopy. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 5: 94 |
Basom EJ, Manifold B, Thielges MC. (2017) Conformational Heterogeneity and the Affinity of Substrate Molecular Recognition by Cytochrome P450cam. Biochemistry |
Basom EJ, Maj M, Cho M, et al. (2016) Site-specific Characterization of Cytochrome P450cam Conformations by Infrared Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry |
Horness RE, Basom EJ, Mayer JP, et al. (2016) Resolution of Site-Specific Conformational Heterogeneity in Proline-Rich Molecular Recognition by Src Homology 3 Domains. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138: 1130-3 |
Horness RE, Basom EJ, Mayer JP, et al. (2016) Resolution of Site-Specific Conformational Heterogeneity in Proline-Rich Molecular Recognition by Src Homology 3 Domains Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138: 1130-1133 |
Horness RE, Basom EJ, Thielges MC. (2015) Site-selective Characterization of Src Homology 3 Domain Molecular Recognition with Cyanophenylalanine Infrared Probes. Analytical Methods : Advancing Methods and Applications. 7: 7234-7241 |
Basom EJ, Spearman JW, Thielges MC. (2015) Conformational landscape and the selectivity of cytochrome P450cam. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 119: 6620-7 |