Patrick Konold
Affiliations: | Physics and Astronomy | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
"Patrick Konold"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorAaron M. Massari | research assistant | 2008 | UMN |
Ralph Jimenez | grad student | 2010-2015 | CU Boulder |
John T. M. Kennis | post-doc | VU Amsterdam (Physics Tree) |
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Silapetere A, Hwang S, Hontani Y, et al. (2022) Author Correction: QuasAr Odyssey: the origin of fluorescence and its voltage sensitivity in microbial rhodopsins. Nature Communications. 13: 6282 |
Silapetere A, Hwang S, Hontani Y, et al. (2022) QuasAr Odyssey: the origin of fluorescence and its voltage sensitivity in microbial rhodopsins. Nature Communications. 13: 5501 |
Andrikopoulos PC, Chaudhari AS, Liu Y, et al. (2021) QM calculations predict the energetics and infrared spectra of transient glutamine isomers in LOV photoreceptors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 23: 13934-13950 |
Broser M, Spreen A, Konold PE, et al. (2020) NeoR, a near-infrared absorbing rhodopsin. Nature Communications. 11: 5682 |
Konold PE, van Stokkum IHM, Muzzopappa F, et al. (2018) Photoactivation mechanism, timing of protein secondary structure dynamics and carotenoid translocation in the Orange Carotenoid Protein. Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Konold PE, Mathes T, Weissenborn J, et al. (2016) Unfolding of the C-Terminal Jα Helix in the LOV2 Photoreceptor Domain Observed by Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
Konold PE, Yoon E, Lee J, et al. (2016) Fluorescence from Multiple Chromophore Hydrogen-Bonding States in the Far-Red Protein TagRFP675. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
Yoon E, Konold PE, Lee J, et al. (2016) Far-Red Emission of mPlum Fluorescent Protein Results From Excited- State Interconversion Between Chromophore Hydrogen-Bonding States. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
Sagar DM, Baddour FG, Konold PE, et al. (2015) Femtosecond Measurements of Size-Dependent Spin Cross-Over in Fe(II)(pyz)Pt(CN)4 Nanocrystals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters |
Konold PE, Jimenez R. (2015) Excited state electronic landscape of mPlum revealed by two-dimensional double quantum coherence spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 119: 3414-22 |