Peter Schuster

Theoretical Chemistry Vienna University, Austria 
"Peter Schuster"

Mean distance: 12.02
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree


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Oskar E. Polansky grad student 1967 University of Vienna
Friedrich Wessely grad student 1967 University of Vienna
 (Quantenchemische Berechnung und experimentelle Bestimmung von Eigenschaften und Reaktivitäten einer Verbindungsklasse)
Manfred Eigen post-doc 1968-1969 Max-Planck-Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Göttingen


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Christoph Flamm grad student Vienna University (Evolution Tree)
Christian Reidys grad student Virginia Tech (Evolution Tree)
Peter F. Stadler grad student (Computational Biology Tree)
Othmar Steinhauser grad student 1972-1975 Vienna University
Günter Wagner grad student 1979 University of Vienna
Martin Nowak grad student 1989 University of Vienna (Evolution Tree)
Thomas Wiehe grad student 1995 Universität Jena
Erich Bornberg-Bauer grad student 1992-1995 (Computational Biology Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Schuster P, Stadler PF. (2023) Virus Evolution on Fitness Landscapes. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 439: 1-94
Schuster P, Schwille P. (2019) Manfred Eigen (1927-2019). Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Gesell T, Schuster P. (2014) Phylogeny and evolution of RNA structure. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1097: 319-78
Schuster P. (2011) Mathematical modeling of evolution. Solved and open problems. Theory in Biosciences = Theorie in Den Biowissenschaften. 130: 71-89
Vasbinder JW, Andersson B, Arthur WB, et al. (2010) Transdisciplinary EU science institute needs funds urgently. Nature. 463: 876
Engl HW, Flamm C, Kügler P, et al. (2009) Inverse problems in systems biology Inverse Problems. 25
Schuster P, Stadler PF. (2008) Early Replicons: Origin and Evolution Origin and Evolution of Viruses. 1-41
Schuster P. (2008) Modeling in biological chemistry. from biochemical kinetics to systems biology Monatshefte Fur Chemie. 139: 427-446
Flamm C, Endler L, Müller S, et al. (2007) A minimal and self-consistent in silico cell model based on macromolecular interactions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 362: 1831-9
Müller S, Hofbauer J, Endler L, et al. (2006) A generalized model of the repressilator. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 53: 905-37
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