Deb Shankar Ray

1984-1986 Physical Chemistry Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India 
 1986- IACS Kolkata 
"Deb Shankar Ray"
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Sarkar P, Ray DS. (2024) Tuning limit cycles with a noise: Survival and collapse. Physical Review. E. 109: 034209
Saha AK, Ray DS, Deb B. (2023) Phase diffusion and fluctuations in a dissipative Bose-Josephson junction. Physical Review. E. 107: 034141
Sarkar P, Banerjee D, Paul S, et al. (2022) Method for direct analytic solution of the nonlinear Langevin equation using multiple timescale analysis: Mean-square displacement. Physical Review. E. 106: 024203
Saha S, Gangopadhyay G, Ray DS. (2022) Universality in bio-rhythms: A perspective from nonlinear dynamics. Journal of Biosciences. 47
Sarkar P, Paul S, Ray DS. (2021) Subharmonics and superharmonics of the weak field in a driven two-level quantum system: Vibrational resonance enhancement. Physical Review. E. 104: 014202
Bhattacharyya S, Ghosh A, Ray DS. (2021) Microscopic quantum generalization of classical Liénard oscillators. Physical Review. E. 103: 012118
Paul S, Pal K, Ray DS. (2020) Parametric instability-induced synchronization in chemical oscillations and spatiotemporal patterns. Physical Review. E. 102: 052209
Pal K, Paul S, Ray DS. (2020) Spatiotemporal antiresonance in coupled reaction-diffusion systems. Physical Review. E. 101: 052203
Paul S, Bhattacharyya D, Ray DS. (2020) Clusterization of self-propelled particles in a two-component system. Physical Review. E. 101: 012611
Saha AK, Ray DS, Deb B. (2020) Parametric oscillations in a dissipative bosonic Josephson junction Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 53: 135301
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