Melis Şardan Ekiz

2012-2016 Materials Science and Nanotechnology Bilkent University, Long Beach, Ankara, Turkey 
"Melis Ekiz"
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Arslan E, Ekiz MS, Cimenci CE, et al. (2018) Protective Therapeutic Effects of Peptide Nanofiber and Hyaluronic Acid Hybrid Membrane in in vivo Osteoarthritis Model. Acta Biomaterialia
Yasa O, Uysal O, Ekiz MS, et al. (2017) Presentation of functional groups on self-assembled supramolecular peptide nanofibers mimicking glycosaminoglycans for directed mesenchymal stem cell differentiation. Journal of Materials Chemistry. B. 5: 4890-4900
Ozdemir A, Ekiz MS, Dilli A, et al. (2016) Amphiphilic peptide coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for in vivo MR tumor imaging Rsc Advances. 6: 45135-45146
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