Busra Mammadov

2011-2015 Materials Science and Nanotechnology Bilkent University, Long Beach, Ankara, Turkey 
"Busra Mammadov"
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Okur Z, Senturk OI, Yilmaz C, et al. (2018) Promotion of neurite outgrowth by rationally designed NGF-β binding peptide nanofibers. Biomaterials Science
Mammadov B, Sever M, Gecer M, et al. (2016) Sciatic nerve regeneration induced by glycosaminoglycan and laminin mimetic peptide nanofiber gels Rsc Advances. 6: 110535-110547
Sever M, Mammadov B, Guler MO, et al. (2014) Tenascin-C mimetic Peptide nanofibers direct stem cell differentiation to osteogenic lineage. Biomacromolecules. 15: 4480-7
Mammadov B, Guler MO, Tekinay AB. (2014) Extracellular matrix mimetic peptide scaffolds for neural stem cell culture and differentiation. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1202: 131-48
Mammadov B, Sever M, Guler MO, et al. (2013) Neural differentiation on synthetic scaffold materials. Biomaterials Science. 1: 1119-1137
Mammadov B, Sever M, Guler MO, et al. (2013) Neural differentiation on synthetic scaffold materials Biomaterials Science. 1: 1119-1137
Mammadov R, Mammadov B, Guler MO, et al. (2012) Growth factor binding on heparin mimetic peptide nanofibers. Biomacromolecules. 13: 3311-9
Mammadov B, Mammadov R, Guler MO, et al. (2012) Cooperative effect of heparan sulfate and laminin mimetic peptide nanofibers on the promotion of neurite outgrowth. Acta Biomaterialia. 8: 2077-86
Mammadov R, Mammadov B, Toksoz S, et al. (2011) Heparin mimetic peptide nanofibers promote angiogenesis. Biomacromolecules. 12: 3508-19
Mammadov B, Karakas N, Isik S. (2011) Comparison of long-term retinoic acid-based neural induction methods of bone marrow human mesenchymal stem cells. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. Animal. 47: 484-91
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