Seher Ustun Yaylaci

2011-2015 Materials Science and Nanotechnology Bilkent University, Long Beach, Ankara, Turkey 
"Seher Yaylaci"
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Kaçaroğlu D, Yaylacı S. (2024) Enhancing the Regenerative Potential of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells through TLR4-Mediated Signaling. Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy
Yaylacı S, Kaçaroğlu D, Hürkal Ö, et al. (2023) An enzyme-free technique enables the isolation of a large number of adipose-derived stem cells at the bedside. Scientific Reports. 13: 8005
Yaylaci S, Dinç E, Aydın B, et al. (2023) Peptide Nanofiber System for Sustained Delivery of Anti-VEGF Proteins to the Eye Vitreous. Pharmaceutics. 15
Yaylaci S, Guler MO, Tekinay AB. (2022) Sulfated GAG mimetic peptide nanofibers enhance chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in 3D models. Regenerative Biomaterials. 10: rbac084
Yaylaci SU, Sen M, Bulut O, et al. (2016) Chondrogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Glycosaminoglycan-Mimetic Peptide Nanofibers. Acs Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 2: 871-878
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