
Nicholas S. Nogar

Chemical and Laser Science Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States 
"Nicholas Nogar"
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Charles M. Miller post-doc 1980-1996 LANL


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Bryan L. Fearey collaborator 1986-1994 LANL
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Fairbank WM, Hansen CS, LaBelle RD, et al. (1998) Photon Burst Mass Spectrometry for the measurement of 85Kr at ambient levels Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 3270: 174-180
Gill CG, Garrett AW, Earl WL, et al. (1997) Modified zeolites for mass spectral analysis of tributyl phosphate using in situ silver ion chemical ionization Journal of the American Society For Mass Spectrometry. 8: 718-723
Gill CG, Garrett AW, Nogar NS, et al. (1997) Laser Ablation Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry—Storage Field Suppression and its Effect Upon Analytical Performance Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 11: 551-556
Gill CG, Garrett AW, Hemberger PH, et al. (1996) Resonant laser ablation as a selective metal ion source for gas-phase ion molecule reactions. Journal of the American Society For Mass Spectrometry. 7: 664-7
Eiden GC, Hemberger PH, Johnston RG, et al. (1996) Sensing and characterization technologies at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 43: 189-200
Gill CG, Allen TM, Anderson JE, et al. (1996) Low-power resonant laser ablation of copper. Applied Optics. 35: 2069-82
Gill C, Garrett A, Hemberger P, et al. (1996) Selective laser ablation/ionization for ion trap mass spectrometry: resonant laser ablation Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 51: 851-862
Garrett AW, Hemberger PH, Nogar NS. (1995) Selective ionization for elemental analysis with an ion trap mass spectrometer Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 50: 1889-1895
Allen TM, Kelly PB, Anderson JE, et al. (1995) Depth profiling of copper thin films by resonant laser ablation Applied Physics a Materials Science and Processing. 61: 221-225
Cisper ME, Earl WL, Nogar NS, et al. (1994) Silica-Fiber Microextraction for Laser Desorption Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry Analytical Chemistry. 66: 1897-1901
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