Jan E. Almlöf

Chemistry and Chemical Physics University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Quantum chemistry
"Jan E. Almlöf"

(1945 - 1996)

Mean distance: 10.34


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Ivar Olovsson grad student 1974 Uppsala
 (Studies of hydrogen bonding by quantum-mechanical calculations and X-ray diffraction methods)
Björn O. Roos grad student 1974 University of Uppsala
Enrico Clementi post-doc 1975 IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose


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Eric Schwegler grad student
Angela K. Wilson grad student
Trygve Helgaker grad student 1986 University of Oslo, Norway
Vudhichai Parasuk grad student 1987-1991 UMN
Abhik Ghosh grad student 1989-1992 UMN
Willem M. Klopper post-doc 1991 UMN
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AlmlÖf J, Deleeuw BJ, Taylor PR, et al. (2009) The dissociation energy of N2 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 36: 345-354
Sjo/voll M, Fagerli H, Gropen O, et al. (1997) Extensive relativistic calculations on the palladium hydride molecule The Journal of Chemical Physics. 107: 5496-5501
Wilson AK, Almlöf J. (1997) Møller-Plesset correlation energies in a localized orbital basis using a Laplace transform technique Theoretica Chimica Acta. 95: 49-62
Challacombe M, Schwegler E, Almlöf J. (1996) Fast assembly of the Coulomb matrix: A quantum chemical tree code Journal of Chemical Physics. 104: 4685-4698
Hankinson DJ, Almlöf J, Leopold KR. (1996) A direct comparison between structure correlations and reaction paths Journal of Physical Chemistry. 100: 6904-6909
Røeggen I, Almlöf J. (1996) An extended geminal calculation of the three-body potential for the ground state of the helium trimer Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 388: 331-337
Fanti M, Almlöf J. (1996) Hyperpolarizabilities of substituted polyphenyls Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 388: 305-313
Zheng YC, Almlöf JE. (1996) A grid-free DFT implementation of non-local functionals and analytical energy derivatives Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 388: 277-284
Hankinson DJ, Almlöf J. (1996) Cluster models for lithium intercalated graphite: electronic structures and energetics Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem. 388: 245-256
Sargent AL, Rollog ME, Almlöf JE, et al. (1996) Enzyme-catalyzed enolization reactions: A theoretical study on the energetics of concerted and stepwise pathways Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 388: 145-159
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