Frank Philip Bowden

1927-1968 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
 1939-1945 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Pullenvale, Queensland, Australia 
"F. Philip Bowden"

(1903 - 1968)

Mean distance: 8.94
Cross-listing: Physics Tree


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Abraham Yoffe grad student Cambridge
David Tabor grad student 1939 Cambridge
John E Field grad student 1962 Cambridge (E-Tree)
James R. Barber grad student 1969 Cambridge (Physics Tree)
K. E. Singer grad student 1969 Cambridge (E-Tree)
Robert W. K. Honeycombe research scientist 1942-1947 CSIRO Australia (Physics Tree)
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Temple-Smith M, Hopkins C, Fairley C, et al. (2010) The right thing to do: patients' views and experiences of telling partners about chlamydia. Family Practice. 27: 418-23
Bowden FP, Williamson JBP, Laing PG. (1957) METALLIC CORROSION IN ORTHOPÆDIC SURGERY The Lancet. 269: 1081
Bowden FP, Williamson JBP, Laing PG. (1955) Metallic transfer in drilling and its significance in orthopædic surgery Nature. 176: 826-827
BOWDEN FP, WILLIAMSON JB, LAING PG. (1955) The significance of metallic transfer in orthopaedic surgery The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British Volume. 37: 676-690
BOWDEN FP, WILLIAMSON JB. (1954) Significance of metallic transfer in orthopaedic surgery. Nature. 174: 834-5
Bowden FP, Williamson JBP, Laing PG. (1954) Metallic transfer in screwing and its significance in one surgery Nature. 173: 520-522
BOWDEN FP, THROSSELL WR. (1951) Adsorption of water vapour on solid surfaces. Nature. 167: 601-2
BOWDEN FP, YOUNG L. (1950) Influence of interfacial potential on friction and surface damage. Research; a Journal of Science and Its Applications. 3: 235-7
BOWDEN FP, YOFFE A. (1948) Tribochemistry and the initiation of explosions. Research; a Journal of Science and Its Applications. 1: 581-8
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