Ajay Kumar Bose

1951-1956 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India 
 1959-2010 Stevens Institute of Technology 
Beta-lactam chemistry,
"Ajay Kumar Bose"


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Yadav RN, Newaz SN, Bose AK, et al. (2018) Studies on Substituted Beta Lactams Towards Ring Opening: Elimination Versus Rearrangement Modern Chemistry & Applications. 6: 1-2
Mirza UA, Pramanik BN, Bose AK. (2011) Microwave Technology to Accelerate Protein Analysis Protein and Peptide Mass Spectrometry in Drug Discovery. 213-229
Banik BK, Negi M, Manhas MS, et al. (2010) Chemoenzymatic preparation of intermediates for the taxol side chain and analogs. Molecular Medicine Reports. 3: 317-8
Mondal P, Banerjee M, Jana S, et al. (2010) Synthesis and evaluation of 1,3 di-substituted schiff, mannich bases and spiro isatin derivatives. Journal of Young Pharmacists : Jyp. 2: 169-72
Shanmugasundaram B, Bose AK, Balasubramanian KK. (2010) ChemInform Abstract: Microwave-Induced, Montmorillonite K10-Catalyzed Ferrier Rearrangement of tri-O-Acetyl-D-galactal: Mild, Eco-Friendly, Rapid Glycosidation with Allylic Rearrangement. Cheminform. 33: no-no
Manhas MS, Banik BK, Mathur A, et al. (2010) ChemInform Abstract: Studies on Lactams. Part 107. Vinyl-β-lactams as Efficient Synthons. Eco-Friendly Approaches via Microwave-Assisted Reactions. Cheminform. 31: no-no
Banik BK, Barakat KJ, Wagle DR, et al. (2010) ChemInform Abstract: Microwave-Induced Organic Reaction Enhancement (MORE) Chemistry. Part 13. Microwave-Assisted Rapid and Simplified Hydrogenation. Cheminform. 30: no-no
Jayaraman M, Batista MT, Manhas MS, et al. (2010) ChemInform Abstract: Lactams. Part 106. Organic Reactions in Water: Indium-Mediated Synthesis of α-Alkylidene-β-Lactams. Cheminform. 30: no-no
BANIK BK, JAYARAMAN M, SRIRAJAN V, et al. (2010) ChemInform Abstract: Studies in Lactams. Part 105. Rapid Synthesis of β-Lactams as Intermediates for Natural Products via Eco-Friendly Reactions Cheminform. 30: no-no
BANIK BK, ZEGROCKA O, MANHAS MS, et al. (2010) ChemInform Abstract: Studies on Lactams. Part 104. Enantiomerically Pure β-Lactams with the Thienamycin Side Chain via Glycosylation. Cheminform. 29: no-no
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