Virendra Sethi

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 
"Virendra Sethi"
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Pratim Biswas grad student 1996 University of Cincinnati (E-Tree)
 (Experimental studies in transport of dissolved and suspended contaminants in drinking water distribution systems)
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Bhusnoor SS, Bhandarkar UV, Sethi V, et al. (2017) Thermophoresis deposition studies for NaCl and diesel exhaust particulate matter under laminar flow Journal of Aerosol Science. 105: 84-93
Ranka P, Sethi V, Contractor AQ. (2016) Characterizing the oxidation level of polyaniline (PANI) at the interface of PANI/TiO2 nanoparticles under white light illumination Thin Solid Films. 615: 44-55
Kanawade VP, Tripathi SN, Siingh D, et al. (2014) Observations of new particle formation at two distinct Indian subcontinental urban locations Atmospheric Environment. 96: 370-379
Basak S, Tiwari V, Fan J, et al. (2011) Single step aerosol synthesis of nanocomposites by aerosol routes: γ-Fe2O3/SiO2 and their functionalization Journal of Materials Research. 26: 1225-1233
Tiwari V, Jiang J, Sethi V, et al. (2008) One-step synthesis of noble metal-titanium dioxide nanocomposites in a flame aerosol reactor Applied Catalysis a: General. 345: 241-246
Varghese SK, Gangamma S, Patil RS, et al. (2005) Particulate Respiratory Dose to Indian Women from Domestic Cooking Aerosol Science and Technology. 39: 1201-1207
Sethi V, Patnaik P, Biswas P, et al. (1997) Evaluation of optical detection methods for waterborne suspensions Journal - American Water Works Association. 89: 98-112
John W, Sethi V. (1993) Threshold for resuspension by particle impaction Aerosol Science and Technology. 19: 69-79
John W, Sethi V. (1993) Breakup of latex doublets by impaction Aerosol Science and Technology. 19: 57-68
Sethi V, John W. (1993) Particle impaction patterns from a circular jet Aerosol Science and Technology. 18: 1-10
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