Nathan J. Takas, Ph.D.

2003-2008 Chemistry Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States 
 2010- Chemistryand Biochemistry Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, United States 
Inorganic Chemistry
"Nathan Takas"
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Jennifer A. Aitken grad student 2003-2008 Duquesne University
 (The synthesis and physicochemical characterization of new monothiophosphate materials.)
Pierre Ferdinand Poudeu Poudeu grad student 2008-2010 University of New Orleans
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Moroz NA, Lopez JS, Djieutedjeu H, et al. (2016) Indium Preferential Distribution Enables Electronic Engineering of Magnetism in FeSb2–xInxSe4 p-Type High-Tc Ferromagnetic Semiconductors Chemistry of Materials. 28: 8570-8579
Poudeu PF, Djieutedjeu H, Ranmohotti KG, et al. (2014) Geometrical spin frustration and ferromagnetic ordering in (MnxPb2-x)Pb2Sb4Se10. Inorganic Chemistry. 53: 209-20
Burnett JD, Gourdon O, Ranmohotti KGS, et al. (2014) Structure-property relationships along the Fe-substituted CuInS2 series: Tuning of thermoelectric and magnetic properties Materials Chemistry and Physics. 147: 17-27
Sahoo P, Liu Y, Makongo JP, et al. (2013) Enhancing thermopower and hole mobility in bulk p-type half-Heuslers using full-Heusler nanostructures. Nanoscale. 5: 9419-27
Sahoo P, Misra DK, Salvador J, et al. (2012) Microstructure and thermal conductivity of surfactant-free NiO nanostructures Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 190: 29-35
Yao J, Takas NJ, Schliefert ML, et al. (2011) Thermoelectric properties of p-type CuInSe2 chalcopyrites enhanced by introduction of manganese Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 84
Takas NJ, Sahoo P, Misra D, et al. (2011) Effects of Ir substitution and processing conditions on thermoelectric performance of p-Type Zr 0.5Hf 0.5Co 1-x Ir x Sb 0.99Sn 0.01 half-Heusler alloys Journal of Electronic Materials. 40: 662-669
Djieutedjeu H, Makongo JPA, Rotaru A, et al. (2011) Crystal structure, charge transport, and magnetic properties of MnSb 2Se4 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 3969-3977
Djieutedjeu H, Poudeu PF, Takas NJ, et al. (2010) Structural-distortion-driven cooperative magnetic and semiconductor-to-insulator transitions in ferromagnetic FeSb2Se4. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 49: 9977-81
Poudeu PF, Takas N, Anglin C, et al. (2010) Fe(x)Pb(4-x)Sb4Se10: a new class of ferromagnetic semiconductors with quasi 1D {Fe2Se10} ladders. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132: 5751-60
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