Kevin Truong

IBBME University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Kevin Truong"
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Lam CKC, Truong K. (2020) Engineering a Synthesis-Friendly Constitutive Promoter for Mammalian Cell Expression. Acs Synthetic Biology
Mohammad NB, Lam CCK, Truong K. (2018) Synthetic biology approaches in immunology. Biochemistry
Mosabbir AA, Truong K. (2018) Genetically-encoded circuit for remote regulation of cell migration by magnetic fields. Acs Synthetic Biology
Qudrat A, Truong K. (2018) Antibody-Based Fusion Proteins Allow Ca2+ Rewiring to Most Extracellular Ligands. Acs Synthetic Biology
Mosabbir AA, Truong K. (2018) Light directed migration of a cluster of cells in the centimeter scale. Small Gtpases. 1-7
Mosabbir AA, Qudrat A, Truong K. (2017) Engineered cell migration to lesions linked to autoimmune disease. Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Wong J, Chen X, Truong K. (2017) Engineering a temperature sensitive tobacco etch virus protease. Protein Engineering, Design & Selection : Peds. 1-8
Qudrat A, Wong J, Truong K. (2017) Engineering mammalian cells to seek senescence associated secretory phenotypes. Journal of Cell Science
Qudrat A, Mosabbir AA, Truong K. (2017) Engineered Proteins Program Mammalian Cells to Target Inflammatory Disease Sites. Cell Chemical Biology
Qudrat A, Truong K. (2017) Autonomous cell migration to CSF1 sources via a synthetic protein-based system. Acs Synthetic Biology
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