Lukas Trantirek, Ph. D.

Central European Technology Institute Masaryk University, Brno, Cz 
"Lukas Trantirek"
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Giassa IC, Vavrinská A, Zelinka J, et al. (2020) HERMES - A Software Tool for the Prediction and Analysis of Magnetic-Field-Induced Residual Dipolar Couplings in Nucleic Acids. Chempluschem. 85: 2177-2185
Školáková P, Badri Z, Foldynová-Trantírková S, et al. (2020) Composite 5-methylations of cytosines modulate i-motif stability in a sequence-specific manner: Implications for DNA nanotechnology and epigenetic regulation of plant telomeric DNA. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. General Subjects. 129651
Jurikova K, Gajarsky M, Hajikazemi M, et al. (2020) Role of folding kinetics of secondary structures in telomeric G-overhangs in the regulation of telomere maintenance in . The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Gregor T, Bosakova MK, Nita A, et al. (2019) Elucidation of protein interactions necessary for the maintenance of the BCR-ABL signaling complex. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls
Krafcikova M, Hänsel-Hertsch R, Trantirek L, et al. (2019) In Cell NMR Spectroscopy: Investigation of G-Quadruplex Structures Inside Living Xenopus laevis Oocytes. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2035: 397-405
Krafcikova M, Dzatko S, Caron C, et al. (2019) Monitoring DNA-ligand interactions in living human cells using NMR spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Stadlbauer P, Kührová P, Vicherek L, et al. (2019) Parallel G-triplexes and G-hairpins as potential transitory ensembles in the folding of parallel-stranded DNA G-Quadruplexes. Nucleic Acids Research
Harnoš J, Cañizal MCA, Jurásek M, et al. (2019) Dishevelled-3 conformation dynamics analyzed by FRET-based biosensors reveals a key role of casein kinase 1. Nature Communications. 10: 1804
Viskova P, Krafcik D, Trantirek L, et al. (2018) In-Cell NMR Spectroscopy of Nucleic Acids in Human Cells. Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry. e71
Harnoš J, Ryneš J, Víšková P, et al. (2018) Analysis of binding interfaces of the human scaffold protein AXIN1 by peptide microarrays. The Journal of Biological Chemistry
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