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Arthur W. Sleight

1960-1964 Chemistry University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States 
 1964-1989 DuPont Central Research and Development 
 1989- Chemistry Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
inorganic synthesis
"Arthur W. Sleight"

Mean distance: 10.21


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Roland Ward grad student 1963 University of Connecticut
 (A study of the incidence of the ordered perovskite structure)
Arne Magnéli post-doc 1964 University of Stockholm


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Patrick M. Woodward grad student 1996 Oregon State
Ivana Radosavljevic Evans grad student 1998 Oregon State
Tammy G. Amos grad student 1996-2000 Oregon State
Rebecca J. Bliesner grad student 2001 Oregon State
Ju-Zhou Tao grad student 2003 Oregon State
Xiumei Xun grad student 2003 Oregon State
John  S. O. Evans post-doc 1996 Oregon State
Seung-Tae Hong post-doc 1994-1996 Oregon State
Martin Attfield post-doc 1996-1998 Oregon State
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Laurita G, Hickox-Young D, Husremovic S, et al. (2019) Covalency-driven Structural Evolution in the Polar Pyrochlore Series Cd2Nb2O7–xSx Chemistry of Materials. 31: 7626-7637
Sleight AW, Ramirez AP. (2018) Disappearance of the metal-insulator transition in iridate pyrochlores on approaching the ideal R 2 Ir 2 O 7 stoichiometry Solid State Communications. 275: 12-15
Giampaoli G, Li J, Ramirez AP, et al. (2017) Bi2-xCaxIr2O6+y Pyrochlore Phases: Structure and Properties with Varied Ir Oxidation State from 3.9+ to 4.3. Inorganic Chemistry
Li J, Lorger S, Stalick JK, et al. (2016) From Serendipity to Rational Design: Tuning the Blue Trigonal Bipyramidal Mn(3+) Chromophore to Violet and Purple through Application of Chemical Pressure. Inorganic Chemistry
Laurita G, Grajczyk R, Stolt M, et al. (2016) Influence of Structural Disorder on Hollandites AxRu4O8 (A(+) = K, Rb, Rb1-xNax). Inorganic Chemistry
Flynn J, Li J, Sleight AW, et al. (2016) Structure and Properties of Ir-Containing Oxides with Large Spin-Orbit Coupling: Ba2In2-xIrxO5+δ. Inorganic Chemistry
Li J, Medina EA, Stalick JK, et al. (2016) Structural studies of CaAl12 O19, SrAl12O19, la2/3+δ Al12-δ O19, and CaAl10 NiTiO19with the hibonite structure; indications of an unusual type of ferroelectricity Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section B Journal of Chemical Sciences. 71: 475-484
Li J, Medina EA, Stalick JK, et al. (2016) Colored oxides with hibonite structure: A potential route to non-cobalt blue pigments Progress in Solid State Chemistry. 44: 107-122
Li J, Smith AE, Jiang P, et al. (2015) True composition and structure of hexagonal "YAlO3", actually Y3Al3O8CO3. Inorganic Chemistry. 54: 837-44
Sleight AW. (2014) Bismuthates: BaBiO3 and related superconducting phases Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications
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