John Derek Smith

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
structure of RNA
"John Derek Smith"

(1924 - 2003)

Mean distance: 9.56


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Roy Markham research scientist 1942 Cambridge


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Gerard R. Wyatt grad student 1950 Cambridge
Andrew Travers grad student 1964 MRC-LMB
Anthony Robert Cashmore post-doc 1969-1970 MRC-LMB (Plant Biology Tree)
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MARKHAM R, MATTHEWS RE, SMITH JD. (1954) Evidence for the existence of two types of ribonucleic acid. Nature. 173: 537-9
LASNITZKI I, MATTHEWS RE, SMITH JD. (1954) Incorporation of 8-azaguanine into nucleic acids. Nature. 173: 346-8
DUNN DB, SMITH JD. (1954) Incorporation of Halogenated Pyrimidines into the Deoxyribonucleic Acids of Bacterium Coli and its Bacteriophages Nature. 174: 305-306
SMITH JD, MARKHAM R. (1952) Polynucleotides from deoxyribonucleic acids. Nature. 170: 120-1
SMITH JD, MARKHAM R. (1952) The enzymic breakdown of deoxyribosenucleic acids. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 8: 350-1
MARKHAM R, SMITH JD. (1952) Polynucleotides and end groups in ribonucleic acids. The Biochemical Journal. 50: xxxviii-xxxix
MARKHAM R, SMITH JD. (1952) The structure of ribonucleic acid. III. The end groups, the general structure and the nature of the core. The Biochemical Journal. 52: 565-71
MARKHAM R, SMITH JD. (1952) The structure of ribonucleic acids. II. The smaller products of ribonuclease digestion. The Biochemical Journal. 52: 558-65
MARKHAM R, SMITH JD. (1952) The structure of ribonucleic acid. I. Cyclic nucleotides produced by ribonuclease and by alkaline hydrolysis. The Biochemical Journal. 52: 552-7
Markham R, Smith JD. (1951) Appendix-A simple filter outfit for the short-wave ultraviolet. The Biochemical Journal. 49: 407
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