Jonathan L. McMurry

Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, United States 
flagellar assembly
"Jonathan McMurry"
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Hubbs NB, Whisby-Pitts MM, McMurry JL. (2019) Kinetic analysis of bacteriophage Sf6 binding to outer membrane protein a using whole virions. Acta Virologica. 63: 450-458
Peek J, Harvey C, Gray D, et al. (2018) SUMO targeting of a stress-tolerant Ulp1 SUMO protease. Plos One. 13: e0191391
Ngwa VM, Axford DS, Healey AN, et al. (2017) A versatile cell-penetrating peptide-adaptor system for efficient delivery of molecular cargos to subcellular destinations. Plos One. 12: e0178648
Van Dyke MW, Beyer MD, Clay E, et al. (2016) Identification of Preferred DNA-Binding Sites for the Thermus thermophilus Transcriptional Regulator SbtR by the Combinatorial Approach REPSA. Plos One. 11: e0159408
Behrens W, Schweinitzer T, McMurry JL, et al. (2016) Localisation and protein-protein interactions of the Helicobacter pylori taxis sensor TlpD and their connection to metabolic functions. Scientific Reports. 6: 23582-23582
Qadota H, Mayans O, Matsunaga Y, et al. (2016) The SH3 domain of UNC-89 (obscurin) interacts with paramyosin, a coiled-coil protein, in C. elegans muscle. Molecular Biology of the Cell
McMurry JL, Minamino T, Furukawa Y, et al. (2015) Weak Interactions between Salmonella enterica FlhB and Other Flagellar Export Apparatus Proteins Govern Type III Secretion Dynamics. Plos One. 10: e0134884
Tsang J, Hirano T, Hoover TR, et al. (2015) Helicobacter pylori FlhA Binds the Sensor Kinase and Flagellar Gene Regulatory Protein FlgS with High Affinity. Journal of Bacteriology. 197: 1886-92
Salerno JC, Ghosh DK, Razdan R, et al. (2014) Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is regulated by ERK phosphorylation at Ser602. Bioscience Reports. 34
Chrestensen CA, McMurry JL, Salerno JC. (2012) MAP kinases bind endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Febs Open Bio. 2: 51-5
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