Michael E. McHenry, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Materials Science and Engineering | Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA |
magnetic and superconducting materialsWebsite:
"Michael E. McHenry"Bio:
Mean distance: 10.36 | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Physics Tree
Sign in to add mentorNicholas J. Grant | grad student | 1988 | MIT | |
Robert C. O'Handley | grad student | 1988 | MIT | |
(Electronic Structure and Magnetism in Metallic Alloys Exhibiting Local Icosahedral Order) |
Sign in to add traineeVincent DeGeorge | grad student | Carnegie Mellon | |
Alex Leary | grad student | Carnegie Mellon | |
Harold Lessure | grad student | Carnegie Mellon | |
Zafer Turgut | grad student | 2000 | Carnegie Mellon |
Matthew A. Willard | grad student | 2000 | Carnegie Mellon |
Amy C. Hsiao | grad student | 2001 | Carnegie Mellon |
Sangki Jeong | grad student | 2002 | Carnegie Mellon |
Chih-Ling Lee | grad student | 2002 | Carnegie Mellon |
Francis Johnson | grad student | 2003 | Carnegie Mellon |
Suk-Joon Son | grad student | 2003 | Carnegie Mellon |
Rajasekaran Swaminathan | grad student | 2005 | Carnegie Mellon |
Changyong Um | grad student | 2006 | Carnegie Mellon |
Paul R. Ohodnicki | grad student | 2008 | Carnegie Mellon |
Natan Aronhime | grad student | 2018 | (Physics Tree) |
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Sorescu M, Knauss M, Perrin A, et al. (2020) Influence of graphene on the magnetic properties of nickel ferrite nanoparticles Solid State Ionics. 355: 115425 |
Ferris L, Allwes M, Diamandescu L, et al. (2020) Fundamental studies of hafnia-hematite nanoparticles Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 145: 109567 |
Ohodnicki P, Egbu J, Yu Y, et al. (2020) Surface oxidation and crystallization of FeNi-Based soft magnetic nanocrystalline and amorphous nanocomposite alloys Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 834: 155038 |
Krimer Y, Aronhime N, Ohodnicki P, et al. (2020) Prediction of good glass forming ability in amorphous soft magnetic alloys by thermocalc simulation with experimental validation Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 814: 152294 |
Lu P, Buric MP, Byerly K, et al. (2019) Real-Time Monitoring of Temperature Rises of Energized Transformer Cores With Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors Ieee Transactions On Power Delivery. 34: 1588-1598 |
Nazmunnahar M, Simizu S, Ohodnicki PR, et al. (2019) Finite-Element Analysis Modeling of High-Frequency Single-Phase Transformers Enabled by Metal Amorphous Nanocomposites and Calculation of Leakage Inductance for Different Winding Topologies Ieee Transactions On Magnetics. 55: 1-11 |
Perrin A, Sorescu M, Ravi V, et al. (2019) Mössbauer analysis of compositional tuning of magnetic exchange interactions in high entropy alloys Aip Advances. 9: 35329 |
Aronhime N, Ohodnicki P, McHenry M. (2019) Virtual bound states elements and their effects on magnetic and electrical properties of Fe-Ni based metal amorphous nanocomposites Scripta Materialia. 169: 9-13 |
Nazmunnahar M, Simizu S, Ohodnicki PR, et al. (2018) Finite element analysis modeling of high voltage and frequency 3-phase solid state transformers enabled by metal amorphous nanocomposites Journal of Materials Research. 33: 2138-2147 |
Beddingfield R, Bhattacharya S, Byerly K, et al. (2018) Thermal profile shaping and loss impacts of strain annealing on magnetic ribbon cores Journal of Materials Research. 33: 2189-2206 |