Ellis I. Fulmer

Chemistry Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 
"Ellis I. Fulmer"

(1891 - 1953)

Mean distance: 9.18
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BANZON J, FULMER EI, UNDERKOFLER LA. (1949) Fermentative utilization of cassava; the production of ethanol. Iowa State College Journal of Science. 23: 219-35
Kooi ER, Fulmer EI, Underkofler LA. (1948) Production of 2,3-Butanediol by Fermentation of Cornstarch Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. 40: 1440-1445
Reese HD, Fulmer EI, Underkofler LA. (1948) Evaluating fungal amylolytic materials for saccharifying fermentation mashes Analytical Chemistry. 20: 348-353
FULMER EI, UNDERKOFLER LA. (1947) Oxidation of polyhydric alcohols by Acetobacter suboxydans. Iowa State College Journal of Science. 21: 251-70
Kolfenbach JJ, Tuller EF, Underkofler LA, et al. (1945) Production of Methyl Vinyl Ketone from Methylvinylcarbinol Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. 37: 1178-1180
Kolfenbach JJ, Fulmer EI, Underkofler LA. (1945) The inner carbonate of 2,3-butanediol Journal of the American Chemical Society. 67: 502
Fulmer EI, Kolfenbach JJ, Underkofler LA. (1944) Quantitative determination of mixtures of methyl vinyl ketone and diacetyl: A dropping mercury electrode method Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 16: 469-470
Kolfenbach JJ, Kooi ER, Fulmer EI, et al. (1944) Laboratory continuous countercurrent liquid-liquid extractor Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 16: 473-474
Hao LC, Fulmer EI, Underkofler LA. (1943) Fungal Amylases as Saccharifying Agents in the Alcoholic Fermentation of Corn Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. 35: 814-818
Fulmer EI, Underkofler LA, Bantz AC. (1943) The production of acetylmethylcarbinol by the action of Acetobacter suboxydans upon 2,3-butylene glycol Journal of the American Chemical Society. 65: 1425-1427
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